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Two days after the incident
Hopeless, tired and devastated I laid in bed trying to figure out why my life is such a mess.
'I've done almost everything right' i thought
'The one time I felt so close to being happy ! Muhammad Abba could have been my savior' I kept thinking of how it would have been perfect to be married and away from this horror.
"Assalamu alaikum" Mama said approaching me on the bed.
"wa'alaikumus sallam" I greeted seating up.
Something most be up from the look on Mama i thought.
"Zahra, oh my little angel" Mama said as tears flood from her already very red eyes.
"Mama please don't" i couldn't hold back tears, I hate when mama cries because of me.It breaks my heart.
" I'm crying because it's been a very long and hurtful life for you, all because I couldn't find the courage to step up and stop being a push over"
Mama grieved
" but it's all over now, you are all I have and my reason for staying in this house all this while. But it's over now, it's all over now" mama kept repeating " it's over now" and hugged me so close rubbing my back as if to comfort me.
Tears kept rolling even though i didn't know what mama meant.
" lay down my baby, sleep. I'd explain everything when you wake up." Mama kept rubbing my back, comforting me until i drifted to sleep.
I woke up on mama's lap after a very short nap, sharply taken back to what just happened.
" Mama" I called
" my baby are you alright?" Mama asked
" yes Mama" I answered
" you are getting married next week " she said
I couldn't believe my ears, I had to seat up and look at Mama
" don't worry zahra, it's to Muhammad Abba and I trust he'll take care of you with everything he has" Mama added
I am confused, yes confused is just the word.
" I have been heartbroken since when your father displayed that unfair scene on the day Muhammad came to see you. I couldn't sleep and I prayed all night long for answers, I've been very patient for so long and I felt it was time to break away and help you and I both. As I am speaking to you now, I am no longer your fathers wife, I requested for a divorce which made your father feel insulted and wrote it right away. And about your marriage it was Muhammad's mother that called me to tell me he's willing to get married to you even if the imam (islamic leader) will be the one giving you away and not your father. She said he's been so worried about how your step mother treated you." Mama kept on explaining as I was totally blanked
" he is the one for you zahra and I'm rushing the wedding cuz I know they'll try to spoil it if it takes time, I won't even tell your father about it. You will have to trust me, I know the father is one that gives out his daughter but he has already shown his disapproval. What I'm saying sounds completely wrong and I know a lot of people will be against it but all we need to do is put ourselves first because I cannot live like this anymore, I cannot see you hurt anymore" Mama concluded with tears rolling down her cheeks.
I know she's totally heartbroken and so am i but right now I have no words to comfort her.
I hugged Mama tight with flashbacks on days we used to cry together because of my fathers injustice. Suddenly I drifted into my thoughts.
' he was so worried that he suggested I get the imam to give my hand out in marriage instead of Baba ? Does he feel what I feel ? Is it love at first sight for both of us ? Or does he just pity my situation ? How can I leave Mama divorced and alone ? Isn't getting married without my fathers consent bad ? Will Mama feel betrayed if I refused to get married without Baba's approval? What is my life turning into !'  My thoughts drift off.

| Muhammad Abba ||
Two days after the incident
I don't know how I'm suddenly so attached to zahra when I know how her father disapproves of me getting married to her.
'🎼 Din din din din dinri din din din din din din Din' my phone rang, it was mujaheed.
" hello"
" hello" I answered
" oya come out let's go get some fresh air, I'm outside" he said and with that he cuts the call assuming I'll be on my way.
I was already in my white caftan so I head out without arguing
" hoop in let's go" he said after we shook hands
He knows I've been off since the day I went to see zahra that's why he doesn't wait for me to reply. I tend to be inaudible when I'm upset, down, angry, tired or any other negative energy.
We drove off without any destination in my mind, mujaheed has gotten the news from Mama and I guess he's trying to cheer me up.
Suddenly we entered a mosque and he parked
" let's go" he said
" I've prayed already" I declined
" no we are here for something else, just come out please. You don't have to say anything, I'll do the talking" he added
And with that I followed him into the mosque and we approached where a famous sheik was seated.
Seating right in front of him we said the sallam and greeted him.
" we are here for some answers please if you have the time" mujaheed pleaded
" sure, what is it that you want to know?" sheik mufti munir asked
" MashaAllah I'll go straight to the point then. can a sister get married without her fathers approval?"
"It is not permissible for a father to prevent a daughter or son from marrying a person for no legitimate shar'ia reason. If there is a legitimate shar'ia reason then he should explain. With regard to the advice which we have to give you, we say that if you can forget about this woman or man and marry another, thus pleasing your father and avoiding a split then do that."sheik mufti munir said.
" But if you cannot do that, because you are emotionally attached to her/him or cannot give up on the love you already have or simply want to marry that person then marry that person because some people may have envy or jealousy in their hearts even towards their children, so they do not let them have what they want. I say that if this is the case and you cannot be patient and forget about this woman or man to whom you feel emotionally attached, then there is no sin in marrying the person, even if  the father objects. Perhaps after the marriage he will become convinced and the feelings in his heart will go away. We ask Allaah to enable you to do that which is in the interests of both." Sheik mufti munir concluded
" thank you so much, may Allah reward you for everything that you teach and preach. We cannot thank you enough." Mujaheed gratified
I was totally on the clouds
Mujaheed and I walked out with the smile on our faces ready to cheer everyone else.
" I don't know what I'd do without you man" I finally found my voice.
" is that a love confession, please reduce your voice" he joked
I had to hit his arms for that useless joke, but the smile on my face says it all, it says I'm not blank and hopeless anymore. I finally have something to work with.
Rushing home after parting with mujaheed I went to Mama with a proposal for her to call and tell zahra's Mama that  I'm still willing to get married to zahra regardless the odds.
"are you joking or what ?" Mama asked sincerely curious
" I'm serious Mama I'm coming from the mosque and I've found out it's possible" I answered
" please call her Mama" I added
I made the sad face that can make Mama do anything in the world and it worked.
I finally feel a bit better, I hope they accept my proposal.
Laying in bed I thought of what being married would be like for me. How I'd be with someone and start a family of my own, especially if that someone is zahra.
' forget i know I'm a complete husband material' I hailed myself

Who saw this coming 🙆🏽‍♀️😂
All I have to say is God bless our good parents

Is her mother wrong for getting herself divorced?

Do you think she should get married regardless her fathers disapproval?

Are they really falling for each other or is it pity on his side and just loneliness on hers ?

Let's read on to find out
Love Tintin 💟

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