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||Zahra |

The news just broke out about zahra getting married, she doesn't know the feeling to place on it, or should she be happy, sad or angry ? her step sisters couldn't be more annoying as they gossip out loud about how she can't even bring a man home, that her mother had to find a man for her...

Zahra is her mothers only daughter and the first born in the house,her father had two wives and the other wife has more children so she's somehow Alhaji Tahir's favorite even tho she's the amarya and her daughters are always mean to zahra. Zahra tahir gambo is the most beautiful among the gambos, she took after hajiya rashida( her mother ), hajiya hafsa ( her step mother ) has five children and all of them are girls, very very evil girls....

" Nana, Nana keh Nana zahra ! " mama helped her out of her thoughts
" yes mama" she replied
"What are you thinking about that you didn't even see me come in ?" mama asked
"your father and i want to talk to you, he's waiting in the living room, hurry and put your hijab on" mama added..
Zahra stood up fast putting her hijab on and followed mama..
"sallamu alaikum" they both said as they got to the living room.
" ina wuni Baba (good afternoon father)"
"Fatima zahra this isn't something new, i just want to officially let you know that I've given your hand in marriage and the wedding date is set in a month time...."

Zahra just muted her father and went deep in thoughts, why did she have to get married so sudden, it's not like she's disturbing anyone or getting spoilt, she just started university last year and it's not like she's getting too old she is just nineteen years old (19) and none of her mates are married, all she want to do is continue her studies and hopefully fall inlove along the way, why ...

" Zahra, zahRaU !" baba snapped her out of her thoughts
" Are you daft ! I'am talking to you and you are thinking of something else, Is this how you are going to behave in your husbands house ! what nonsense, Rashida you are the one teaching this girl all this bad manners, you don't teach her good morals she's so stupid for ignoring me, what nonsense !" baba said furiously
" Am sorry Baba,...." Zahra starts apologizing.
" will you get out of my sight ! get out " baba sent her out without hearing her apology.
" Alhaji am sorry, she won't do it again inshaAllah" mama apologized as zahra went back to her room.

*A week later

Today is the first day she is going to meet her husband to be, she's kinda excited she's leaving her step sisters, no more being attacked by them..
She hopes he's handsome, caring, kind and all good things inshaAllah she thought as she got dressed.....

"Bzzzzzz bzzzz bzzzzzz" her phone vibrates
"hello" she answers
"Zahraaaa Amarya !" her best friend kamal said through the phone.
"stop it jhor" she complained
"i won't, i can't wait for you to get married..free foooood wayyyy and i love your cooking" kamal added
"You are insane and fam this is the end of our bestfriendship am a married woman to be nawww, so levels" she announced laughing
"Hmm bye toh" kamal played sad
"am joking my BFF, someone can not play with u" she continued laughing
"1:0 I'll pay back this your joke and you won't be laughing" he said annoyed
"whatever I've achieved my own goal eitherway " she laughed harder

"Zahra !" mama called
"Na'am" she answered cutting the call
"Your guest just called they are almost here, come and finish arranging the snacks and drinks" mama informed

Arranging the small chops didn't take long, she head back to her room and layed down to rest but immediatly she close her eyes mama called to tell her the guest are here..
She took one last look at herself in the mirror and thought 'if he doesn't like what he sees he's on his own' went straight to the living room filling the hall way with the scent of humra as she goes ...
Fingers crossed as she prayed to Allah for everything to go well....

Fingers crossed as she prayed to Allah for everything to go well

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|| Muhammad Abba |

Storming out of his room Muhammad Abba felt rushed by the entire world, he was running late to his first meeting with the girl he's to marry, he would be damned if he mess things up cuz his mother might disown him..

Muhammad Abba is an only child of Alhaji Sadiq Galadanchi, hajiya Amina is the only wife. His parents are love birds even in their old age, they still call eachother honey and sweetheart. His mother couldn't give birth when she first got married, she had difficulties and even gave up, Alhaji Sadiq was asked to take another wife countless times but he never gave up on her and eventually GOD blessed them with a bouncing baby boy...so his parents are like his grandparents...

" Abbie is that you ?" his mum called when she heard noises from his room (She calls him Abbie cuz he was named after her father).
" yes mamma, it's me" he approached her
" i just called hajiya Rashida, you have to be fast the girl have been waiting for you since afternoon and look it's already evening" she complained
" mujaheed is in his car waiting for you, you are busy dressing like a lady" she added
" mamma i'm sorry I'll be there in no time, byeee"
He said rushing out after saying his Goodbyes to mamma.

Mujaheed his cousin and best friend was waiting for him in the car.
" mallam I've been waiting, were you putting on makeup for her or what?" mujaheed teased
They laughed and exchanged greetings then took off to visit zahra for the very first time with mujaheed on them wheels..

Muhammad Abba couldn't help but slide into his thoughts, he can't believe his parents gave him out for marriage like a girl, he's been getting complaints from them since he started working, mamma even cried to him that she doesn't want to die before he get married that's among the reasons he has no option but to agree and marry Zahra since he's not dating anyone and doesn't even know how to approach a girl talkless of dating.
It's hard for him to complain since he's reached the point in life where he's stable and a wife was all that would complete the puzzle, he hate seeing mamma cry especially because of him ' I'll try to make this work ' he thought....

"mallam Abba what are you thinking of so deep like this ?" mujaheed asked
"Is it our wife ?" he teased
"wife to be mallam, not yet so free me" Muhammad Abba protests
"Am thinking of how old we're getting so fast" he added
"26 isn't old mallam" mujaheed disagreed
"Uncle you are getting old like it or not " Muhammad Abba teased
Mujaheed made a few more jokes before they got to their destination, the gateman opened the gate as they got there.

'Bismillah' Muhammad Abba thought as he got out of the car. A rushing uneasy feeling cut him 'zahra my wife to be' he thought, i pray not to disappoint mamma so whoever you are, whatever you look like 'I'll marry you, I'll marry you for Momma' he said to himself..


Hey wattpaders how do u like the first chapter??!*

It's going to be a twist but i need To know if i have an audience

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Let's see what kinda marriage this is going To be...

Stupid inlove ❤👫✨

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