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|| zahra |

Knowing the man I'm to marry is under the same roof as me makes my heart beat so fast, I can't seem to walk properly with all the pressure one me to make the first meeting go well.

"Assalamu alaikum" I announced as I walked into the parlor
"Wa'alaikis sallam" two gentlemen answered.
At this point there's no going back, so I walked up to where they both sat and placed the tray I was holding on the marble center table. I couldn't look at their faces so I just sat at the empty one seater as I greeted them.

" our wife our wife, I didn't know you are this shy " one of them said, from what he said I now know he isn't Muhammad Abba.
I just blushed not knowing what to reply with.
" okay I think I should give you two some space to chat, since he's also shy" he teased as he headed out
" zahra " Muhammad Abba said and I promise that's the most pleasant sound I've ever been called after.
"Mmm" I mumbled
" why don't you want to look at me" he asked with a worried voice cuz I literally took my eyes everywhere else around the room except his face since I got in.
" you have to look at me, you have to see the face you are stock with for the rest of our lives" he chuckled.
I'm normally not this shy but the energy in this parlor is too thick and his voice is so pleasing.
" zahra " he said standing right next to me.
He took me by surprise I didn't see him stand up.
" I'm sorry don't be startled, just look up"
He insisted.
I looked up with everything I had, he looks like heaven on earth. There's no other way to explain it, he looks straight out of my fantasies. I can be used to looking at this face, I can be used to hearing this voice. Thank you Allah, thank you mama. Look at that jawline, look at th..........

"Shameless girl, your father is calling you. Mtwww" hajiya Hafsa's (my step mother)voice cut my thoughts short
This woman is like a spirit, I didn't even hear her come in.
Muhammad Abba looks confused while I feel extremely embarrassed, she had to come in and spoil everything.
" ina wuni (good afternoon)" he greets her.
She came further into the parlor.
" lafiya my son" she answered
" I know you are a gentleman from your looks, my daughter maimuna is dressing up for you as we speak. She knows how to present herself to guests unlike some people" she said to him looking at me with disgust in her eyes.
I gently stood up and left for Baba's parlor while Muhammad Abba stands there confused.
My heart is heavy, I don't want anything to go wrong. I know I have to get married cuz Baba has already made his mind on that. I also know mama selected the best for me cuz I just met him and he's everything even though it's just been minutes.

"Assalamu alaikum" I said as I entered Baba's chamber.
" hurry up, I have other important things to attend to" he said without even answering my salam.
I rushed in and sat on the carpet next to him.
" I asked your mother to get you someone to get married to and she ended up bringing someone who is out of your league, I'm not going to tolerate this. If not for your step mother I wouldn't have known the truth. I don't want you to bring shame to this family, you know you are not like maimuna ( my step sister) at least she's always in make up and she knows all trending things, you can't fit the life of a man like Muhammad Abba he's on top of the list and you aren't anywhere near there" Baba insulted me as I cried in silence not knowing what to do.
All I could think of is the lost of a man so freshly photographed in my memory.
" I called you to tell you not to get excited by meeting him because I've already talked with my secretary and he's already gotten someone that will match your level. Muhammad Abba will be introduced to maimuna, I should not hear anything between you and him, if I ......"
I ran out to my room without hearing the end of Baba's speech.

I dropped on my bed immediately and cried my heart out into my pillows, why does he hate me so much, what did I do to deserve this?! Is he my real father?! All I want to do is cry till the end of time.
"Assalamu alikum" mama's voice sang.
She sat on the bed next to me without saying a word, she rubbed my back while she utters some Quran verses. I wanted today to be a dream so bad, I want to escape this nightmare. I kept listening to mama's melodies Quran recitation as I slept.


|| Muhammad Abba |

I stormed out of zahra's house trying to take in what has happened. I was glad that mujaheed has already left on an Uber cuz I don't think I want to talk right now.

I drove home still trying to figure out if this is just a big joke or this beautiful tender angle lives in a home as disturbing as that. I went to meet zahra not sure what I felt about the arranged marriage, but driving away all I want is to call her my wife, I want to protect her. I've never met anyone like her, I want her.

I went straight to mamma, she was already in her favorite chair
" Assalamu alikum mamma" I sat close to her.
" wa'alikumus sallam Abbie" she answered
" I know you are confused, Hajia Rashida called in and told me everything. The poor woman is really suffering in her husbands house and I've known her for a very long time, she's one of the strongest women I know. Her husband's wife have been turning the husband against both hajiya Rashida and her daughter zahra. The painful part is that zahra has always been last to her father and she doesn't even know how to feel special in her own fathers houses. To cut the story short the step mother has done it again, now you can't get  married to zahra . I really wanted her as my daughter Inlaw she is so well mannered and perfect for you. I can't imagine what she and her mother are going through." Mamma explained sadly
" is there any other way ?" I asked
" I'm afraid not, the father is hot headed and insists to give you the other daughter if you want to marry from their household" mamma is really sad about this, her voice says it all.
I also couldn't help my heart, I felt the need to help her. I would spend every possible bit of love on her if only her father would let me.

I went to my room to catch a break, I feel helpless. I can still see her shy little face as she blushed minutes ago. Her humra and the way she did her veil has mesmerized my soul. I can't believe I was given the one of a kind ice cream flavor and I got it snatched away before I even tasted it.


On a scale of one to ten how sad are you ?

Do you want to know why Baba is that way?

My two favorite people are apart because of the evil step mother !😭

Follow up the story, you won't regret it.

Msspharrr 🦋

Halal loving  🔮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ