Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! As you may see right now, I have begun yet another fanfiction. Unlike my previous fics, this one isn't going to have a solid upload schedule. I'm taking my time with this fic, so updates may be a lil' bit slow. 

Other than that, please enjoy! :]


You sat at the counter, tapping your fingers against it as you waited for customers to arrive. You watched the flowers outside the store sway gently in the San Fransokyo wind, as well as watching the cars zoom past. Countless people stopped in front of the store and smelled the flowers before they continued walking down the street.

If working at a florist for your entire life taught you one thing, it's that no one ever really goes inside a florist. They all just smell the flowers on display then get on with the rest of their day. You considered walking away from the register and watering the plants, but that'd be a bad look for the store if a customer were to walk in and see no one there.

Your parents were at a flower festival in the countryside for a week. You'd always wondered what it's like to live in the countryside, where it's peaceful and quiet. Of course, living in San Fransokyo since you were born, you were used to the noise and the lights. However, you wished to be able to see the stars on a clear night with no disturbing lights in the way.

As much as you loved San Fransokyo, it was still annoying how every night when you stayed up doing your homework, there would always be cars beeping at each other. Occasionally, there'd be a verbal fight between drivers and it was fun listening to those when you were procrastinating. You had a few recordings of some hiding somewhere in your phone.

You grabbed your earphones and plugged them into your phone. If you were going to wait, you were going to wait while listening to music. You let your body rewind as your favourite song began to play. Your eyes fluttered shut and you let the darkness from your eyelids turn itself into a daydream. The music helped you quickly create a scenario and your daydream unravelled before you.

Before long, your eyes slowly opened and your daydream faded away as quick as it came. You stretched your arms above your head and let out a loud yawn. You checked the time; the shop closed almost half an hour ago. You dragged your feet along the floor and turned the 'OPEN' sign to face 'CLOSED'. You switched the bottom floor lights off and walked upstairs, despite your legs aching.

Reluctantly, you opened the curtains to provide some natural light while you did your work. You would've procrastinated on your work as you usually did, but an essay you had been working on was due next class. You let out a long sigh and dropped yourself onto the chair near your desk. You tapped your pencil against your desk, your chin resting on your hand. You hadn't even started and you were already distracted.

Perhaps a walk would clear your mind.

You pushed your chair away from your desk and hurried downstairs. You unlocked the door and stepped outside. You placed your hands in the pockets of your hoodie and walked down the street, avoiding eye contact with anyone that walked past. It'd been a while since you walked down the streets of San Fransokyo. You were usually locked up in your room, listening to music or watching dumb videos on YouTube.

Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of cars on the roads and a lot of people on the streets. You should've picked a better time to go for a walk. Everyone was heading home after a long day of work, but you were walking away from home to avoid having to do work.

You knew you had been walking for too long when you saw the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology up ahead. As you got closer, you saw that school just ended. Students were either exiting the building or walking around as they waited for friends. At that point, you were on the grounds of the S.F.I.T. You didn't go there, but you were old enough to be mistaken as a student. You were pretty far from home, but you decided to keep on walking. The temperature started to drop and the cold creeped in through your hoodie.

Your hoodie wasn't exactly the best thing to wear when it was cold, but it was stylish enough. You thought about turning home, but a little cold didn't hurt. The sky began to turn darker as well. Okay, maybe it is time to turn home, you thought, shivering as the wind ran through you. You turned away from the S.F.I.T. and made your way home.

You had to admit that you had no idea where you were going, but you knew you were ultimately lost when you suddenly found yourself in an alleyway. How'd you even get there, you don't know. The only light provided was from a lamp flickering on and off, otherwise everything else was pitch black. You would've turned away right then and there, but that would just get you even more lost. Besides, the thought of adventure was luring you in like a siren's lullaby.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and continued to slowly walk down the alleyway. As you walked further down, you could hear cheering and shouting. A bot-fight. You inched closer to the noise and turned your head around the corner. There, a crowd circled around what seemed to be the arena.

You pushed through the crowd and poked your head over a stranger's shoulder. In the arena was a boy younger than you and a round man. The boy had black, messy hair and an innocent face. The man's face was as red as a cherry and his eyebrows were furrowed. The man cried out in rage when he had no choice but to accept defeat. If he played any further, you were sure he would combust purely from anger. The boy offered to play another game, but the man stood up and cracked his knuckles, towering over the boy.

Him and his gang pushed the boy into a wall and approached him slowly. At first, you thought about turning away and not getting yourself involved, but a boy was about to get hurt and no one else seemed interested in helping. Your legs started moving by themselves and before you could stop yourself, you were already standing between the boy and the gang. "It's a bit low to beat up a child, don't you think?" you asked.

"Move out the way," one of the gang members snarled. You started being backed up into the wall as well and you began to mentally and physically prepare yourself for the worst to come. You brought your arms up to your face when suddenly, the gang was knocked back by a moped skidding across the floor. "Hop on!" the person on the moped yelled.

"Tadashi!" the younger boy beamed. 

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