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"Goodmorning sleepy head" Chris said as I opened my eyes. I'm still in the hospital
"How long was I asleep for"I asked
"18 hours" he said.
"Seriously?" I asked. He nodded
"You haven't slept much lately since you've been in so much pain so I figured I would let you sleep" he said
"Did you stay the whole time?" I asked
"I went home to feed and walk dodger a couple times but I was here for the most part" he said.
"Thank you baby" I said. He kissed my head
"When can I go home?"I asked
"Now. Your discharge papers are already done" he said
"You're the best husband in the entire world" I said. He smiled
"I also grabbed some clothes" he said
"If I wasn't already pregnant I'd let you put a baby in me"I said
"The doctor said it's good to have sex while you're pregnant" he smirked
"Slow your roll big guy" I chuckled. I got up and changed into the clothes he brought me
"While you were sleeping I was thinking about how to tell the family. I thought we could call everyone over and say we want to talk about the wedding. We could say we printed up a few different versions of invitations and we wanted to see what they like. We hand them envelopes and inside are the sonograms" Chris said
"That sounds perfect" I said. He put his hat on me and I couldn't help but smile.
"I love that cute little nose scrunch you do" he said. I pecked his lips and he held my hand. We made sure we had everything then we left.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he opened the door for me
"A lot better. It's like it was the baby's way of telling me 'hey get your shit together I'm in here' ya know?" I said. He chuckled
"Get in the car" he said. He kissed me and I got in. He got in and I absentmindedly put a hand on my stomach. We drive in peaceful silence until it hit me
"Dude there's something growing inside of Me"I said. He laughed
"Oh my god I love you" he laughed.
"It just hit me"I said
"Yes babe there is something growing inside of you" he said
"It's kinda creepy" I mumbled. He just smiled. I held his hand and we soon got home.
"Wait we need to tell dodger the important news" I said. He closed the door
"Come here Bubba" I said. He jumped up on the couch and sat down
"I need to tell you something very important" I said as I sat on the coffee table. He whimpered
"You're going to have anew sibling"I said. He let out a little bark
"This doesn't mean mommy and daddy will love you any less" I said. He barked and put his hand on my leg. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his head
"Good boy" I said. We pulled away
"Ma said they'll be here soon"he said. I nodded. We stopped on the way home and grabbed envelopes. I put the sonograms in the envelopes and sealed them.
"I want you to eat something" Chris said
"Can I just have coffee for now I'm not that hungry" I said
"No and the doctor said you need to cut back on the caffeine" he said
"I can have one 12 ounce cup a day" I said
"And you've already been drinking quadruple if not more of that for the past 13 weeks. You drink coffee like it's your job darling"he said.
"Oh say it again" I said as I put my hands on his shoulders. He grabbed my waist
"Darling" he whispered in my ear
"Sing for me" I said softly. He started singing Amazed by Lonestar
"Every time our eyes meet This feeling inside me Is almost more than I can take Baby, when you touch me I can feel how much you love me And it just blows me away I've never been this close to anyone or anything I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreamsI don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever"he sang as we gently swayed back and forth. He has such an amazing voice
"Every little thing that you do Baby, I'm amazed by you The smell of your skin The taste of your kiss The way you whisper in the dark Your hair all around me Baby, you surround me You touch every place in my heart Oh, it feels like the first time every time I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby, I'm amazed by you"he sang. He dipped me and I smiled when he pulled me back up
"Every little thing that you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Oh, every little thing that you do Baby, I'm amazed by you"he finished. He softly kissed me and I smiled
"I love you" I said softly
"I love you" he said softly.
"I love both of you" Lisa said.
"Ma" Chris blushed. I smiled
"Hey guys" I said. I hugged everyone
"Alright take a seat" I said. They all sat on the couch
"So Chris and I have been talking more about the wedding and we wanted your opinions on invitations" I said. Chris handed everyone an envelope then stood behind me and held my waist
"Take a look tell me what you think" he said. He gently squeezed my hips and I smiled. They all opened them and it took them all a second
"Wait" carly said. She looked up at us
"ARE YOU PREGNANT" Lisa squealed
"13 weeks"I smiled
"OH MY GOD" they all yelled.
"IM GUNNA BE A DAD" Chris cheered as he jumped on Scott. I smiled.
"Oh my god I'm gunna have another grand baby" Lisa cried as she hugged me
Once I hugged everyone and Chris was done celebrating he came back to me.
"Show then the bump" he smiled excitedly. I lifted up my shirt and turned to the side. It's tiny but it's there
"Oh my god" Scott said
"We're gunna wait a little bit to tell the fans" Chris said. I leaned back against him and he put his hands on my belly.
"Do you know the gender yet?"shanna asked
"Not yet and I'm not sure if we want too" Chris said
"We might just get an envelope and hand it to one of you guys like the week before I pop" I said
"Well whatever the gender I know you'll love them no matter what" bob said. I nodded.
"Do you know who the godparents are going to be" Scott asked
"I mean I have no one except for you guys so our kid is staying in the evans family no matter what" I said "I volunteer"Scott said. I smiled
"We still have to talk things over" Chris said.
"It will probably end up being you" I said.
"YES"Scott cheered.
"I want you to eat something" Chris said to me
"Can we get Leone's"I said
"Of course" he said. I yawned and sat on the floor with dodger. I kind of zoned out as everyone talked. Chris sat on the chair behind me and I leaned back in between his legs. He started rubbing my shoulders so I closed my eyes
"I love you" I mumbled. He chuckled and kissed my head. I closed my eyes
"Don't fall asleep Leone's is on its way and you know I'll feel too guilty waking you up but you need to eat" Chris said
"I'm awake"I mumbled. I felt him tilt my head back and gently open my eyes
"Hi"I yawned
"You slept for 18 hours why are you tired"he said. I shrugged. He picked me up and put me on his lap. I rested my head against his chest
"Are you feeling alright?" He asked softly. I nodded
"I just feel like I hit a wall"I said. He rubbed my leg.
As we waited for the food I would feel myself dozing off and I would snap my head back up but that didn't last long before my head started to slowly drop again.
"Baby the foods here"Chris said. I opened my eyes and looked at him
"Aw sweetheart" he said as he brushed hair out of my face
"I just want you to eat a little bit then you can go to bed" he said. I nodded. He kissed my head and I got up
"Too fast" I mumbled as I gripped onto Scott who was closest
"Are you okay?"he asked. I nodded
"I just stood up too fast"I said
"Which is another reason why you need to eat" Chris said.
"Hey save the parenting for the one inside me alright?" I said. I walked to the kitchen and took a slice of pizza.I took a few bites and Lisa just laughed
"What?" I asked. She leaned across the island and wiped my face with a napkin
"Sauce" she said.
"Thanks mom" I said. She winked.
"Tell me why I just had the urge to slap you across the face with the pizza" I said as Chris walked by me
"That's so mean" he said
"Bitch slapped with pizza" I laughed. He looked at me
"I'll do it" I said.
"No you won't" he said.
"Yes she will" bob and Carly said in sync. Chris looked at me
"I won't have sex with you" he said
"You'll cave in an hour you have the strength of a chicken nugget" I said as I took another bite
"Wanna make a bet?"he asked
"What do I win"I said
"If I touch you in any way then you get to boss me around for an entire day and I have to say yes to whatever you say. But if you cave and you touch me in any way then you have to walk around all day" he said
"Oh god forbid I have to walk" I said
"In a dress" he said. I glared at him. He smirked.
"Fine you're on. Just know that if you make me wear the dress all day then I'm wearing a tux to our wedding" I said
"You're on" he said.
"Oh this is gunna be good" Scott said. I waited a few minutes
"Baby my head hurts" I said. Chris walked over to me and was about to wrap his arms around me
"You little shit"He said quickly stopping himself
"This is gunna be easy" I smirked.
"I hate you"he said
"I hate you" I said. Then I got a shooting pain that went from my head down my spine. I gripped Chris's arm and winced
"Woah woah what's wrong" Chris said. My ears started ringing and I got the pain again. I collapsed into Chris's arms. I couldn't hear anything other than the ringing. I got really dizzy.  I gripped Chris's arm and clenched my eyes shut. A few seconds later it all went away.
"What just happened" Chris said
"I don't know. I got a shooting pain from my head down my spine then my ears started ringing and I got the pain again then I got dizzy but then it all just went away" I said
"I don't like that at all" he said.
"I'm okay now I think"I said
"Eat a little bit more then go lay down"Chris said. I nodded. I took a few more bite of pizza and drank some water.
"I love you all" I said. They said their own form if I love you
"Bubba go keep mommy safe" Chris said. Dodger followed me to the bedroom. I laid down and dodger curled up at my side. Night night

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