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I woke up to Chris rubbing my arm
"Hmm" I mumbled. He looked at me
"Hey princess" he said.
"What happened"I said
"You passed out from shock. They got the remaining pieces of glass out and stitched your back up"he said.
"Now tell me what you're hiding" I said
"Nothing" he lied
"Chris you're a horrible liar. You have a facial expression for everything" I said. He sighed
"When they were doing an x-ray to look for any glass,they saw a tumor" he said.
"Where" I said.
"Your ovaries" he said. I looked away from him
"That's why I haven't been hungry and I've been losing so much weight after giving birth" I said.
"How bad?" I asked
"Lindz-" I cut him off
"How bad Chris" I said
"Stage four"he said. Tears rolled down my cheeks.
"How did I have a fucking baby. How did I go 9 months getting checkups and not have a doctor see that" I said
"We don't know" he said.
"Hey it's alright we can set up chemo or radiation and you can do treatments. We'll figure it out" he said
"I watched both of my parents suffer through chemo and radiation just for them to die anyways. I have a 5 year survival rate of seventeen percent. I'm not putting myself,you or our child through hell just for me to die anyways"My voice cracked
"Even if I do somehow live I won't be the same. Chemo and radiation destroyed my parents. They were just shells of the people I used to know. I'm not doing that to you or our daughter" I said.
"So kill yourself" he said. I looked at him
"What?" I asked
"Kill yourself"he said. He handed me a scalpel
"Do it" he said
"Do it" he said shoving it into my hand
"Chris you're scaring me" I whimpered
"DO IT" he yelled
"DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT" he screamed over and over again

I shot up gasping for air and breathing heavy.
"Woah woah woah what's wrong" Chris said. Oh my god it was just a nightmare. I pulled him into a hug
"It was just a nightmare" I breathed.
"It was just a nightmare" I breathed again.
"What happened" Chris said softly pulling away. He wiped some sweat off of my forehead
"I had a dream that I woke up. You said I had ovarian cancer. I said I didn't want to put you or our daughter through watching me go through chemo and radiation. You looked at me and told me to kill myself then. You pulled out a scalpel and kept screaming do it"I said
"Jesus Lindz" he breathed. He kissed my head
"Well good thing I won't be doing that" he said
"How long was I out for?"I asked. He looked at the clock on the wall
"Only about an hour and a half" he said as he looked back to me. I nodded
"Can I go home?"I asked. He nodded.
"Let me go get the papers" he said. He left the room and I yawned. He came back and I signed everything then he helped me get dressed. I put my hands on his shoulders
"You're a good man Chris" I said softly. He furrowed his eyebrows
"Well thank you but why?" He asked
"Because even though you wanted to get a divorce and even though you were mad at me you still came running the second I called your name" I said
"You're the love of my life and regardless of if I hated your guts you're still a human being and I've never heard you scream in so much fear before"he said
"All that ran through my head was aurora. I needed to get to her. I didn't know if someone broke in I didn't know if someone shot through the window. I don't know. It all happened so fast with the crack then the explosion. I don't know what I thought but I just needed to make sure aurora was okay" I said.
"I'm just glad that you're okay" he said. He kissed my head
"Lets get out of here" he said. I nodded. He held my hand and we walked out to the car. I carefully sat down
"You okay?" He asked. I nodded. He walked around to his side and got in
"Baby" I said softly after a few minutes of him driving
"Yes sweetheart" he said
"For the wedding is it okay if we just have one audience. Instead of doing the bride and grooms individual sides can we just have one infront of us?still split up of course because I have to walk down the isle but Just make it clear that anyone can sit anywhere? I don't know I'm just scared my sides going to look pathetic in pictures and stuff because no ones gunna be there ya know? You have your family and your friends and then you have all of the marvel friends like Seb and Anthony. I have no one from my life" I said quietly. He put his hand on my thigh
"We can do whatever you want sweetheart" he said.
"Thank you" I said quietly. 
"Do you want to get food?" He asked 
"Ya know what I'm craving that we haven't had in a while?" I asked
"Olive Garden?" He asked.
"You know me so well"I said. He smirked
"Oh my god you're so hot" I said. He stopped at a red light and looked at me.
"I love you" he said
"I love you" I said. I kissed him
"Order it through the app and we can pick it up"he said
"Guess who's getting their dick sucked tonight"I said as I unlocked his phone. I ordered our food through the app
"All set" I said
"Did you get your fettuccine Alfredo?"he asked
"Of course"I said. He smirked
"What" I said
"Nothing" he shrugged
"Youre lying" I said
"I just like when you order it that's all" he shrugged
"I'm confused" I said
"I like seeing my girl with white creamy stuff in her mouth as long as she knows only I can put mine in there"he said. My jaw slightly dropped. He smirked and kissed me
"Oh you're so getting your dick sucked tonight" I said. He chuckled. We soon pulled up to Olive Garden
"What name did you put?" He asked
"Jake jensen" I smirked
"Did you really?"he asked
"Youre gunna have to find out" I said.
"I hate you" he chuckled. He got out of the car and I started scrolling through his phone. Abunch of messages asking why I was in the hospital and there were photos of me being carried in covered in blood.
I decided to film a little something and put it on Chris's Instagram story
"Hello everyone. Yes it's me and not Chris. Chris is actually getting me food from Olive Garden because he's an amazing husband. First of all I want to start off by thanking you all for all of the nice messages and prayers they are greatly appreciated. Second of all I want to explain a little bit of what happened. So I was taking a shower and as I was washing my body I heard a really loud crack. It scared the crap out of me and before I could even process what could have made that noise,the glass shower door exploded. Glass flew at me. Chris got the majority of the pieces out but there was a pretty decent sized piece in my back and that's why I was in the hospital and covered in blood. Chris googled it and apparently glass shower doors can shatter even if they have the tiniest knick or crack in them. I didn't know that so just be aware of your glass shower doors I guess. But I just wanted to give you all a little update. I'm okay I'm gunna heal fine and I appreciate all of your love and support. I love you all and I see my baby coming with my food so I'm going to end this" I said. I did a peace sign and ended the video. I posted it to his story
"You really put it in as jake jensen you little shit" he said as he opened the back door. He put the food on the backseat
"I think I'm hilarious" I giggled as he got into the front seat. He looked at me
"You should be thanking me I probably saved you from getting papped" I said.
"You're lucky you're cute" he said
"I know daddy"I said innocently. His eyes darkened.
"You're so lucky you have a Bandage on your back because I would t hesitate to throw you in the backseat and fuck you" he said
"As if a bandage has stopped us before" I said
"I don't want to hurt you" he said. He kissed my head and backed out of the parking space. He started driving and I put my hand on his thigh. I slowly moved higher and higher until I was palming his crotch. He let out a low moan and I smirked
"Let me take care of you daddy"I whispered in his ear
"No you'll rip the bandage off" he said
"Please daddy"I pouted
"No" he said sternly.
"Your mouth is saying no but your cock is saying yes" I whispered before nibbling on his earlobe. A low groan escaped his throat
"I don't care what my cock wants. My brain wants you to be safe and heal properly" he said.
"I'll heal just fine"I said
"I said no now be a good girl and listen or else you'll be punished when you heal" he said
"That makes me want to disobey you even more" I said
"Fine then I won't make you cum for weeks and I'll take all your toys too" he said
"I'd still have my hands" I said
"You don't like masturbating with your fingers because you can never cum"he said
"That's what happens when I'm so used to yours" I said. I kept rubbing him through his pants
"Come on I'll do that thing you love" I said. He stopped at a red light
"Daddy said no princess. Don't make me tell you again or else I'll take all your toys and edge you until I'm satisfied. Days. Weeks. Months" he said.
"We haven't had sex in almost A year. What if I lose my magic and the next time you fuck me im horrible" I said
"We've had sex throughout your pregnancy and once you were healed we had sex" he chuckled
"We had sex like three times throughout the nine months and only once after I was healed. That's not enough to keep my magic" I said. He chuckled
"Baby your magic isn't going anywhere"he said
"Even if I lose it will you still love me" I pouted.
"I have to think about it" he said.
"You bitch"I gasped. He smiled and kissed me
"Of course I will" he said.
We got home and walked inside
"Hey what's going on?are you okay? Do you need surgery?" Lisa said. I smiled
"Im fine. They stitched up my back. It was a decent sized wound so they wanted to be safe. I typically heal pretty quickly though so I should be fine. I just need to take it easy that's all" I said.
"Thank god I was worried" she said
"Thank you for coming over on such short notice I really appreciate it" I said
"Sweetheart you're my daughter. Whenever you need me you know im there for you" she said. I don't know why but this made me cry
"Oh no. No no why are you crying" she said as she hugged me
"I just love and appreciate you so much" I sniffled
"Aw sweetheart I love and appreciate you more" she said.
"No I really don't think you get it lisa. You're really the first mom I've ever had. My mom was an asshole that only cared about herself and then the cancer just ruined our relationship even more then she died. But you're the first woman to ever show me love and compassion as a mother and I'm so thankful for you"I said. She tightened her grip
"Alright now dont make me cry"she sniffled. I giggled as we pulled away. She gently wiped my tears
"I will always be here for you hun no matter what. As long as you don't murder anyone in my family I will always be here for you" she said
"I think I can refrain" I smiled. She smiled and gently wiped my cheeks.
"My girls"Chris said softly. I looked at him and saw him smiling at us
"Come here you loser" I said. He walked over and I wrapped my arms around him.
"I love you both more than you could ever imagine"
Lisa said softly.
"I love you ma" Chris said
"I love you Lisa" I said. We all pulled away
"How about you both just take it easy for the rest of the day okay?"Lisa said. And that's exactly what we did

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