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Lindsey's pov
"Hey sweetheart" I said quietly as I picked up aurora. She gurgled and mindlessly babbled
"Such a little baby you're so cute" I said. Chris is in meetings all day talking about new possible ideas for projects and stuff like that so it's just me and aurora today. I buckled her into her car seat
"Dodger come here bubba" I said. He ran over to me and I put his leash on him. I grabbed everything I needed and walked out to my truck. I buckled aurora in and dodger jumped in the front. I drove down to Boston public garden and parked
"Ready to go on a walk" I said as I set up the stroller. I put the car seat in it and then put the diaper bag underneath. I hooked dodgers leash to the handle of the car seat and started walking
"Good boy dodge" I said. After a few minutes of aurora just smiling,babbling and looking around as I walked dodger got protective. I looked up to where he was growling. Paparazzi. I pulled the car seat canopy over the front of the car seat so they couldn't get any pictures of her face.
"It's alright dodge"I said. I continued walking. It's a beautiful day out and I'm not going to let them ruin that for me we did a few more laps around the walkway by my truck just so I could make a run for it if I had to. I noticed that the paparazzi were getting closer. Hell no. Mess with me fine? Mess with dodger?that's pushing it. Mess with my daughter? We'll call me captain America because this'll be a civil war. I started walking to my truck and one brave yet stupid reporter got close
"Can we have a sneak peak of your daughter" he said as cameras flashed in my face. This caused everyone else to come closer. I stayed silent and continued to put aurora in the car. Dodger jumped up and  laid next to the carrier
They all yelled at me. I closed the door
"AURORA WAS A MISTAKE" one of them yelled
"DONT YOU EVER SAY MY CHILD WAS A BURDEN OR A MISTAKE" I yelled going into protective mom mode. One of them tried to sneakily grab the handle to the door. I grabbed his wrist,kneed him in the balls and twisted his arm behind his back and pinned him against the bed of my truck
"Don't you ever put your hands on my truck and don't you ever go near my daughter to I make myself clear" I growled. all I could see was red I was so angry
"Yes" he said. I pushed him to the ground as I let go of him. I grabbed a bat out of the bed of my truck. I need to thank miles for that later.
"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" I yelled. They all backed up. They can take all the pictures they want I don't care. I'll do whatever I need to to protect my child and my dog. I got into the drivers side and drove away. I called Chris
"Perfect timing I'm on a break I was just about to call you" he said
"I need you to get your PR team to make up some story"I said
"Why what happened"he said
"It's a beautiful day so I decided to go for a walk with dodger and aurora around the public garden. Paparazzi got too close and started yelling things at me like how aurora was a mistake and I yelled at them. Then one tried to grab the door handle so I grabbed his wrist and kicked him in the balls and I pinned his arm behind his back while pinning him against the bed of my truck. Then I kind of threatened them all with a bat" I said
"Are you all okay and safe?" He asked
"Yes" I said
"Then that's all that matters. You were protecting yourself and our child. I'll have my team handle it if anything comes up" he said
"Thank you love" I said
"I'll be home soon. Do you want Olive Garden for dinner?" He asked
"Oh my god yes" I said
"Alright I'll bring some home I love you" he said
"I love you more" I said
"Wait" I said
"What's up" he said
"You didn't call me a name" I pouted. He chuckled
"I love you darling" he said
"That's better. I love you sweetheart" I smiled. I hung up.
"Alright let's get you two home" I said. I pulled up to the house. Once I got everything and everyone inside
I carried aurora to the bedroom. I changed her diaper and put a new onesie on her. She was already half asleep so I laid her in her bassinet next to the bed. There's a lot that needs to be done around the house I'm just so tired. I'll take a 10 minute nap. I laid down and pulled the bassinet closer to the side of the bed and fell asleep.

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