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"Deep breaths Lindz" Scott said softly. I nodded. He locked his arm in mine as we stood infront of the massive doors
"Are you ready?"he asked.
"I'm gunna shit myself" I said
"I'll take that as a yes" he chuckled. He gave a cue to someone and I heard the music start. Yes today is the day. My wedding day. The doors opened and Scott and I started walking. The venue was beautiful. It was outside and it looked like when Bella and Edward got married in twilight. It was a mix between that and an enchanted Forrest with lanterns from tangled all around. It was our dream Disney inspired wedding. Scott and I turned the corner and I saw Chris. He was fully expecting me in a tux. I watched as he burst into tears and covered his mouth as he saw me in the dress. Seb put his hand on Chris's shoulder. Scott is obviously Chris's best man but they both agreed it was fine for scott to walk me down the isle. I got closer and closer until we finally reached him. Scott hugged Chris then hugged me and fixed my dress as I stood infront of Chris
"What happened to wearing a tux" Chris sniffled
"I lied"I said. He chuckled
"You look stunning" he said
"Thank you handsome" I said softly. I turned and realized I didn't have anyone to hand the bouquet to. My face fell.
"It's fine I can just hold your one hand" I said quietly. I watched as Tom Hiddleston,Rdj and Tom Holland all moved from behind Chris to over behind me.
"May I?" Tom hiddleston said as he motioned to the bouquet. Chris still had scott,mackie ruffalo,bettany,and Seb behind him. The rest of the avengers were in the audience.
"Thank you" I said quietly. He winked and grabbed the flowers.
"We're the prettiest bridesmaids you could ever have" rdj said in true rdj fashion. We all laughed.
"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Lindsey  and Christopher in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace" our officiant said. Silence.
"I obje-" I cut Mackie off with a glare
"Nows not the time for jokes mackie" I said.
"Yes ma'am" he said stepping back into line. I chuckled. I'm not gunna lie I kinda zoned out through the officiants speech and I can tell that Chris did too. We were just smiling like idiots at eachother. Then I realized it was too quiet. I snapped myself out of it and saw everyone staring at us
"Sorry" I blushed. Chris knocked himself out of it
"Do I kiss you now" he said.
"No" I giggled. He rubbed his thumbs along the backs of my knuckles
"Damn" he said softly.
"The vows Mr.Evans" the officiant chuckled
"Ok yeah. Yeah I can do that" Chris said as his nerves started to kick in. He let go of my hands and turned to Scott who handed him a piece of paper. He turned back to me
"Lindsey. My beautiful Lindsey. I don't know where to start in all honesty. You are the love of my life,the light at the end of the dark tunnel,my other half, my soulmate. You're my everything. I was convinced that my last relationship was my last. I convinced myself that I had to accept the fact that I was never going to have a wife or kids or my dream family and it broke my heart. But then I looked over at you at that damn red light. Heat waves by glass animals was blasting through your speakers and you looked like the most badass girl in the entire world. You had your aviators on with your right hand on the steering wheel and your left arm hanging out the window. You just looked like such a badass in your big truck with all of your tattoos and I wanted to get your attention without honking so I started dancing like a fool. You looked over at me and smiled and I forgot how to breath. Then you lifted your sunglasses up and pushed them into your hair and I think I had a heart attack. Your smile,your dimples, your nose ring,your fucking eyes. Those eyes. Everything about you is just so damn captivating. Then we ran into eachother at the grocery store not even 10 minutes later. I felt like I was being forced to go there in a sense. I just needed milk I could have stopped at a corner store but something told me I had to go to the grocery store and that's when I saw you and somehow mustered up the courage to ask for your number. But don't worry our run ins don't stop there. We ran into eachother in the parking lot. I know this sounds like I'm stalking her but I promise I wasn't" he said the end towards the crowd which made us all laugh
"You smiled at me and gave my arm a squeeze as you walked away. My breathing hitched and my body got hot. You touched my bicep and I was ready to crumble to the ground" he said. He grabbed my hand with his free hand. He cleared his throat and looked to the right away from everyone
"Sorry" he chuckled. I gently wiped his tears
"It's alright my love you got this" I said quietly. He cleared his throat again and looked back to his paper
"I have never loved someone as much as I love you. I've never felt safer with someone as much as I do with you. You have loved me when I was at my lowest and you've cheered me on when I was at my highest. Not only did you give me my dream wife but you also gave me our babygirl. Not only are you an incredible partner but you're an incredible mother. I love you and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us"he smiled. I took a deep breath

"Chris I love you. I love everything about you. You're such a gentleman,you're kind,you're funny,you make me laugh. You're the reason I'm alive. I'm horrible at speeches but you're my rock"I said. He smiled
"I love you" he said softly
"I love you" I said

"Chris do you take lindsey as your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant asked
"I do" chris said
"Lindsey do you take chris as your lawfully wedded husband"the officiant said.
"I don't" I said as a year ran down my face
"What" chris said
"I love you chris. I always have and I always will but this isn't real. We aren't real. Our child isn't real"i said softly. And just above a whisper,the fourth wall broke.

You're just characters with a story I wrote to distract myself from my miserable reality.

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