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-Full name-  Alice Marie Jackson

-She often likes to mutilate the bodies of those she kills

-Zero is colorblind, she can see no color at all. She's only able to distinguish between different shades of black, white, and gray

-She's currently 23 years old

-Her Zodiac Sign is Scorpio.

-She's currently 23 years old.

-Zero is not a "people-person" and doesn't like to team up with others.

-As Alice grew older and started to forget about Zero, Zero became enraged in a psychotic outburst. Which was the main reason why Zero took possession over Alice, in the first place.

-She is of French and English ancestry.

-Zero was created by ZombiePunkRat on official creepypasta wiki

-Zero is supernatural in a sense, as she possesses superhuman levels of speed, stealth, and strength.

- Zero is also very intelligent, as she's able to easily sneak into someone's house and murder them without being detected

-She is very strong thus giving her the ability to run with her sledge hammer with no trouble

-Before becoming a killer, Alice was a quiet, patient, and polite girl who just wanted nothing more than to be loved and accepted.

-After snapping and Zero had taken over Alice's body, she became a demented, loud, obnoxious, violent, impatient, and deranged sociopath with no regard for anyone's life.

-Ended up killing Alice's best friend, despite her being the only one who actually cared for her well-being, smashing her skull in with a sledgehammer, and all with a twisted smile and insane laughter.

-Before being possed Alice was as a fair-skinned teenage girl with long, curly, brunette hair and pale green eyes

-After she took on a very skeleton-like appearance. Her hair and skin had turned paper white, the pigmentation of her eyes had faded to gray, with large, black circles surrounding them, and the sides of her cheek have been horizontally stitched up.

-Zero is usually seen wearing a black sweater or tank top, dark gray shorts or jeans, gloves, black and white striped socks, and scarf, and brown boots. Her weapon is a sledgehammer.

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