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🍬 Her weapon of choice is a chainsaw

🍬 Her best friends name was Mary

🍬 Mary was sent to a church for years resulting in Laughing Jills color change from colorful like Laughing Jack to black and white one Christmas Mary returned home and found Laughing Jill and saw that she changed. Mary asked why and Jill explained, but after finishing her explanation, Mary was shot. Jill saw that Mary's mother had a gun in her hand and imminently snapped. Later that night, Jill killed her mother, her father, and the nuns. 

🍬 Laughing Jill also goes by LJ

🍬Her catch phrase is "What's that behind you?"

🍬 Laughing Jill is like Laughing Jack in the manor of there bodys being like ragdolls and there clothes being apart of there skin

🍬 She unlike Laughing Jack kills abusive parents

🍬 When she was colorful, she was happy and a prankster. After turning dark, she became unhappy and aggressive. There's still a little bit of happiness in her, but it's not often shown.

🍬 Feels guilty for Marys death

🍬 Is NOT related to Laughing Jack nor are they dating

🍬 Laughing Jill is currently about 19YR as of 2019

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