Chapter 1: Remnants

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Getting stabbed by a huge sword was not even close to the pain she was feeling in her chest. Everything seemed to go by faster after she passed away. At first, there was a lot of physical pain. It was a shattering pain, but not the kind that would make you scream, this was on another level. She couldn't feel her breath, hardly able to reach to apologize to the ones she's hurt, before falling into a deep darkness. She did not expect to wake up, not even remotely. She had speculated a lot, about how would death it would feel, if you would feel. She never thought it'd be humid, and wet. That suffocating kind of humid. The one where the pressure of the atmosphere is low, and it starts to rain. She felt pressed...pressed by something humid, dark There she asked herself how could she possibly see colors in death.

It was cold, not too cold to the point of freezing, a kind of cold she could bare. Is this what death feels like? Cold? The girl asked herself. She felt a pressure on her eyes, she couldn't open them. She blamed the lazy muscles of her eyelids, they felt heavy. She was imprisoned in her mind. She knew she was least her mind was. Was she not dead yet? Was she still slowly fading away? She didn't know. All she knew was that pressure in her chest, was the pressure caused by her mistakes. She wanted to scream, she wanted to run, but her body was not one willing to help her. Run where? Where would she go? She had lost it all. Her friends trust in her, the newt she's been living with had betrayed her and killed her. All because of her selfish wish... to stay with her friends forever.
She missed them. Would they miss her? She had so many questions. She wanted to distract herself from the physical pain but thinking about else felt worse. Her thoughts drifted everywhere, from one topic to another. Nothing else she could do, really. Then she'd realized something. She had been very distracted thinking about all she's lost, along with trying to open her eyelids that she didn't even notice she was breathing. The sudden realization stunned her. She concentrated more on her lungs, how they expanded, how the air was still running through them, making them move. She couldn't believe she was...alive! If she weren't, how could her body breathe?


A voice called her, echoing around her head so she couldn't figure out where it had come from. She was surprised she could hear voices, she wanted to reply but attempt failed.

"Marcy, poor thing, still questioning death?"

Marcy couldn't believe what she was hearing. The voice echoed in her head, swimming around and around. She saw a bright light, shimmering on the edges of her vision. And she found herself staring at a white infinity. It was all so pale and shiny. Was this a dream? Was she asleep?

"Marcy Wu, they trusted you. How could you betray them like that?"

"I didn't know! I-"
She screamed. Wait, she screamed? How could she scream? She could even hear her own voice; it echoed within the infinity, it wasn't in her mind. She looked down, at her body. She was on her knees sitting on the white floor. She could move her hands, she could see, she could touch. She stood up like nothing happened and felt the heaviness had vanished from her body. She could freely move her limbs with no pain. She looked around but saw nothing.

"Stop trying to excuse your acts Marcy, everyone knows you selfishly pushed Anne and Sasha away from their families, so you could stay with them. You're a hypocrite if you're willing to think they'll ever forgive you."

"Leave me alone!" Marcy shouted again, her voice rippled through the void. She ran, trying desperately to get away from the haunting voice away from the voice, but it didn't disappear. So, she ran aimlessly, tears forming on the corner of her eyes and falling down her cheeks.

"Marcy you should have stayed dead. They're all better off without you getting them into trouble..."

Marcy kept running straight, the tears continued to fall. She could hardly feel her breath, she could hardly feel at all.

"I know! I don't care leave me alone!"

"Stop hiding from your problems Marcy..."

"Leave me alone!"

"You hurt them all Marcy, they'll never forgive you. You're a horrible person and they'd be right to hate you."

"They can hate me all they want! I know I deserve it! But it doesn't matter! I'll try to fix it!" She began to slow down.
She fell onto her knees, the thud echoing around her, almost deafening, the tears threatening to drown her. She looked down and forced her eyes closed, crying harder than she'd every cried before. She'd proven herself right, this pain is much worse than getting stabbed by a giant flaming sword. She felt a shadow loom over her, like someone was standing just inches away. A gentle hand touched her chin and with gentle force, pushed it up, forcing her to face the figure in front of her. Marcy shivered at the touch of this entity. When she opened her eyes, she recognised a tall figure, with messy brown hair and dark skin.


When Marcy looked into the eyes of her former friend, she could only see a green blinding light. As if they were possed.

"Marcy She trusted you... She could have died on Amphibia if she just didn't find sprig first. And it would have been all your fault." The voice was vaguely familiar, Anne's mixed amongst the entity that took her form.

"No! Of course you wouldn't have died! You're strong and independent and brave and kind. You're amazing! You're invincible!"

"Anne's a human being Marcy, a human being. She's a kid, what if when she got on Amphibia a mantis killed her? How would you feel? Would you still be happy that you hadn't moved away with your parents?!" Marcy stared back into the blazing green eye's that bored into hers. "Answer me!"

"N-No! Of course not! I didn't know... I didn't know the box would take us here! I had no idea! I didn't think it'd actually work I-"

"But you surely hoped."

"Even if I did, I never meant to hurt anyone! I just wanted us to stay together!" Marcy's voice was trembling alongside her hands, her heart pounding within her chest.

"Yet you did. You hurt her."

"Anne... no... no no no... I'm sorry I didn't- I- I didn't want you to get hurt! I love you! I love you more than you'd ever know! I'd do anything for you! I didn't-"

"Well, She surely does not love you, after everything you have done to hurt her."

"Anne please if you just let me.... I'll do things right this time!"

Then the Anne-like figure shifted, its body morphing, brown skin became lighter, it's dark brown hair became shorter, and darker. Now the figure resembled Marcy, except for its empty eyes.

"You won't, it's a fact. You'll do something wrong as always and mess everything up. You'll fail again and again, like you always do, can't you understand?"

"Anne believed in me, she liked me for who I was. It must have been worth something! She always saw something in me that I couldn't!" With each word something was resonating within Marcy's chest, a fire began to burn.
"I'm breaking out." She rose to her feet.
"I'm fixing this." And tightened her fists.
"My way."
"And there is NOTHING you can do to stop it!" She shouted at the figure, its form quivering.

"Wait no-!" The figure faded, its remnants dispersing into the void where they stood. Marcy's face shifted into one of determination, she was going to fix this. Fix everything. And nothing was going to stand in her way.


sooooooooooooo marcanne? :,D ah yes the fandom falling to peaces after true colors... well, I hope this fanfiction will help u cope withhhh all that stuff that happened there.... Also! i'm writing this fic with my friend LilGayLoser from Ao3! this first chapter was made by me, with some revisions by them :D hope u enjoyed! we've already written a couple of chapers so updates won't be too slow!

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