Chapter 8: Promise?

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Taking a deep breath, feeling the wind against her face while riding her bike, the girls brown hair flowing behind her as she rode.

"Are we meant to be heading into a crowd full of people Anne?" Anne snapped her eyes open and screeched to a stop, looking to the stack of frogs-in-a-coat standing on the pegs attached to her back tire, she let out a shaky breath, and awkwardly smiled.
"Sorry Sprig, Hop Pop, wasn't paying attention." The frogs jumped off awkwardly, their eyes shifting around to the people mindlessly walking the pathway. Anne hooked her bike up to the racks outside of the public Library. The glass doors shimmered in the afternoon sun, Anne had planned to go earlier, but the heat during midday was too much for the amphibians to handle, she tried to keep herself busy while she waited, but every time the girls eyes closed her mind was filled with the image of fire, and the sickening sound of a body hitting the floor.
"Anne? Are we going in?" The frog boys voice cut into Anne's thoughts and she nodded opening the doors.
"Time to find some information about Amphibia."

"Hey honey! Did you find some information about this..Amphibia?" Anne stepped through the door, Sprig and Hop Pop fell in after her, finally shuffling away from each other and removing the coat. Sprig jumped atop Anne's shoulders and leaned on her hair.
"Yep Mrs Anne's mum! We found this!." Sprig held up a huge brown book mottled with stains and mould, the cover bearing the same resemblance to the music box that had gotten the girls stuck in Amphibia in the first place. Mrs Boonchuy walked over and inspected the book, taking it from Sprig, she opened it. Her hazel eyes darting across the random paged she had opened it on, her eyebrows creased with concern.
"Uhm...frog eating tomato plants?" Hop Pop chuckled his hearty chuckle.
"Tomato is a dangerous food in Amphibia...wait yours don't eat you?" Sprig beamed and butt in.
"Hey remember when Anne wanted to make pizza and we almost got eaten by a tomato plant." Hop Pop cross his arms and looked up to the boy.
"Sprig we DID get eaten by the tomato plant, we just ate it back." Mrs Boonchuy's face contorted into even more concern and looked at Anne who awkwardly chuckled and shrugged before quickly walking towards the back porch.
"Okayyy Hop Pop why don't you go with my mum and read through that book while me and Sprig go outside? Okaythankyoubye!" Darting outside with Sprig the pink frog jumped off Anne's shoulders and looked at his adopted sibling.
"Are you okay?" Anne slumped down on the step on the back porch and brought her knees to her chest.
"I feel so helpless Sprig! Marcys out there probably suffering and there's nothing I can do about it! And I don't even know if Sasha made it out!" Sprig put a hand on Anne's shoulder and slid closer.
"We don't know she's suffering." Anne brought her hands up, and slowly curled them into fists, tiredly looking at creases and scars that scattered them from her adventures.
"I can feel it Sprig, these...powers, they connect us. I can feel Marcy's conflict, her doubts, Sasha's rage and resentment. They're suffering sprig, and there's nothing I can do!" A spark lit up the afternoon sky, a small blue hue flew off Anne's hair as her emotions spiralled. Sprigs eyes lit up, an imaginary light bulb lit above his head.
"What if we train these powers?! When we find a way back home, you'll be ready to fight the king himself!" Anne's spirits lifted and her heart filled with newfound determination.
"Yeah! Let's do this! Let's get the king!" Sprig pounded his fist in the air.
"Let's save Amphibia." Sprig shouted
"Let's save Amphibia!" Anne repeated
"Let's rescue Sasha!"
"Let's rescue Sasha!"
"Let's save your Girlfriend!"
"Let's save my-" Anne's face flushed and she pulled Sprigs hat down in front of his face, the frog boy laughed and beamed at Anne, who felt the contagious smile and began to smile back.
"Let's get started then Anne!" Anne jumped up and took a stance in the backyard.

"Ugh Sprig this isn't working!" Anne and Sprig had been at this for half an hour now with no results. Sprig brought his hand to his chin.
"Well you sparked before, it was when you were talking about how hopeless you felt, how you could feel your friends emotions. Think about that!" Anne's mouth was agape.
"Sprig that's a horrible thing to think about!" Sprig spluttered.
"Well, you seem to react to intense emotions, maybe think of something that makes you happy, like meeee." Sprig place his hands under his chin and poked his yellow tongue out, Anne chuckled. "Close your eyes! That might help!" Anne took a breath and closed her eyes, thinking back to the good memories she made with Sprig in Amphibia.
'You're a hero! An ugly ugly ugly hero!'
'She's brave! She's smart!' 
'Spranne against the world!'
Anne smiled deeply, reminiscing in her memories. Sprig beamed noticing the small blue hue appearing at the bottom of Anne's hair. "Remember all the memories of Newtopia, of wartwood, of Marcy. All the happy memories Anne!"
'Anne? Anne!'
Anne's memories flickered back to when she reunited with Marcy, smiling at the tackle she gave her friend when she saw her again for the first time in months.
'Oh I missed you too!'
Anne's heart conflicted between feeling pure love for Marcy, and the pain and anger of losing her to Andrias.
'You won't...I promise'" Anne completed the sentence, her hair burst into blue flames, branches and leaves materialising and expanding. Hearing a squeal from Sprig, Anne opened her eyes, seeing the blue hue light up Sprigs beaming face. Smiling, her head felt light and she stumbled, Sprig quickly ran over to steady Anne, shaking her head she steadied herself, and tested out her abilities, dashing around the yard. Sprig eventually picked up a tennis ball and shouted.
"Think fast!" Pegging the ball to the right of Anne she reacted and in a blue haze zapped over and caught the ball, throwing it back to the frog, they repeated this for a while.

Mrs Boonchuy opened the sliding door and before she could even get a sentence out, she looked at her daughter, who was zipping through the air with bright blue burning hair. Anne noticed her mother and smiled from ear to ear, pointing at her hair and zipped over, frightening the socks off of her mother.
"Mum! Mum! Look!" Anne proceeded to turn the ability on and off, Mrs Boonchuy stared at her daughters hair.
"Amphibia...thing?" Anne shook her head.
"Marcy, Sasha and I all seem to be connected to the box that took us to Amphibia, so I think that is why I have these powers, the other girls have it too, I can tell, we're all connected, I can feel their emotions." Mrs Boonchuy was at a loss, she decided after a moment of processing to hug her daughter.
"Hey family! What's good?" The three turned around to see the pink beach ball frog with arms, legs and a tail known as Polly walk over, with Mr Boonchuy and Hop Pop not far behind.
"Get any progress done on Frobo?" Anne asked, Polly sadly shook her head.
"There's not much technology here that fits with Frobo's insides from home." Hop Pop picked up his granddaughter and pulled her close.
"We will get there Polly don't worry, we'll fix Frobo, everything's gonna be fine." As if summoning the Karma, everyone felt the world begin to shake, a loud humming noise sliced through evening sky, and amongst the burning orange clouds, a bright blue circular shape materialised, and a portal appeared, out flew dozens upon dozens of Frobo's, all varying in size and shapes, the portal grew, and next came the cursed castle that had haunted Anne's nightmares ever since returning home. Everyone stood in fear, and Polly broke the silence.


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