Chapter 6: Cingulomania

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The air felt cold, a chilly aroma fluttered through the bustling streets, a very strange change from the humid climate of Amphibia. The streets were lively, cars, busses and trucks all wizzed past, the sidewalks flooded with people, Los Angeles was as busy as it always had been. The sun had dipped behind the high rise buildings and was slowly setting, basking the city in reflective pinks, oranges and light blue hues, despite the lack of flora, the city could be beautiful when it tried. Letting in a deep breath Anne brought her hand to the door and knocked. After albeit running away from the busy streets to avoid the Plantars being spotted, ducking and weaving from alley way to alley way, she suddenly found herself very tired, she was ready to crash into a bed, a real bed, her bed. The door slowly creaked open, and for the first time, in over half a year, Anne was face to face with her mother. Immediately Anne's mum knelt down and ran her hand along Anne's cheek, tears glistened in the corners of her eyes and she pulled Anne into the tightest hug she'd ever felt. Unable to hug her mother back Anne just, stood there. Her mind ranging on like a war inside her head.
'Why...why me? Why was it me who got to go home, Sasha deserved to come back. Why was it me, she was right behind me, she...'
"Marcy.." Anne muttered, her mother pulled away, resting her hands on Anne's shoulders she gripped tightly. 'Marcy, oh my frog, Marcy, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, this is-' Anne felt her shoulders being shook, she looked up, her mother's mouth was moving but no words fell upon Anne's ears, her vision began to blur, before...
"Anne!" Both Hop Pop and Anne's mother instinctively called out to girl, Hop Pop ran up beside Mrs Boonchuy to help support Anne's limp body. Without batting an eye they both assisted on bringing the girl inside, Sprig and Polly running in quick behind them. "Is she gonna be okay?" Sprig came in next to hop pop, they stood beside the couch where Anne lay, his eyes clouded with worry for his best friend. Hop Pop looked at the boy and ran a hand over his back.
"She'll be fine boy, she's survived worse than this." It was Mrs Boonchuy's turn to chime in.
"Okay okay, now, can someone tell me why there are talking frogs in my living room, accompanying my daughter who's been missing for eight months?!" Anne's mothers stare was cold, it was as if Hiber-day had struck in that moment. Hop Pop stepped away from Anne.
"Mrs Boonchuy, my name is Hopadiah Plantar, this is my grandson Sprig, and my granddaughter Polly. And, as to how we got here, it's a very long story, but I don't think it's one I can tell, we'll have to wait for Anne to wake up for that, but, we mean ya no harm. I've been lookin after that that girl for the past eight months, she's like a granddaughter to me, so I promise, we are friendly." Mrs Boonchuys firm gaze softened, and a small but worried smile formed on her face.
"Then I thank you Mr Plantar." Hop Pop smiled.
"Just Hopadiah is fine."

By the time Anne woke the sun had just set and the moon was beginning to lighten the sky. Anne sat up, taking in her surroundings, they seemed, so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time... she was home? She felt pressure on her legs, looking down to see her cat, Domino, asleep, quietly purring away, Anne smiled and pet him, relishing in the softness of his fur under her fingers.
"Glad you're not dead" Pollys playful tone came from the couch's headrest.
"Hey Polly, you can't get rid of me that easily." Anne smiled weakly, she still felt exhausted, she didn't even remember what had happened when she came home, like pieces missing from a puzzle.
"Your mums waiting for you in the kitchen." Anne nodded and stood up. Sitting down at the table across from her mum, Anne sighed a deep, beaten tired sigh.
"So are you going to explain where you've been? And why there are talking frogs in my household?" Anne swallowed, and began to explain.

"Well then Hopadiah gets all my kindness and thanks for looking after you. I'm glad you're okay.So as far as you know Sasha's still trapped in this, Amphibia, what about Marcy?" Anne felt her heart drop into the pits of her stomach, tears began to form in her eyes,
"She didn't- I wasn't quick enough- Marcy she..she." Before she knew it, the dam had broken, Mrs Boonchuy was quick to get up and hug her daughter, who tightly wrapped her arms around her mother's shoulders, and cried, for what felt like hours. Sprig poked his head around the corner, Hop Pop attempted to grab his jacket and pull him back but missed, and his grandson dived into that kitchen, next to Mrs Boonchuy and wrapped his small little pink arms around his best friend, Anne's mother pulled one arm down, and brought sprig into the hug too.

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