Chapter 10 [Finale]: Tritanomaly

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A gentle patter of rain began to filter off the roof of the floating castle, steadily becoming heavier and drumming against the walls and roof of the coral infused structure, muffling the clanking of Sasha's metal boots against the floor. With Lady Olivia and Grime in suit, they traversed the labyrinth like rooms, turning corner after corner, dodging guards and robots, weaving from shadow to shadow.

"Frog, this castle is like a TARDIS, bigger on the inside." Olivia raised an eyebrow, Sasha rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"It's from a show Marcy was obsessed with, we use to watch it a lot together." Olivia released a small sigh, before Sasha could pursue the conversation, the blue newts eyes lit up, and she pointed, Sasha spun, Grime let out a croaky surprised huff. Behind her was the huge doorway, the red carpet running up the hall. The room was eerily empty, the box stood alone on the pillar, it's light cascading against the coral that lined the walls, causing a vast array of blues, purples, greens and pinks. Absentmindedly, the newt human and toad wandered forwards, eyes darting around watching the colours shower them. Sasha's attention fell forwards, her hand reached out towards the box, running her hand through her newly cut hair, her finger brushed the pink stone on the box, before stopping in her tracks. From her hair to her sword Sasha whipped around to see Olivia being held inside the hand of the giant leviathan, grime in the other, Sasha's teeth gritted, her skin crawling. Sasha took a step forward, which in turn caused Olivia and Grime to gasp and struggle as Andrias's grip got tighter around the two.

"Tsk tsk, surely you've figured it out by now? You know not to fight me, or people get hurt." Sasha remained where she was, feet planted firmly on the ground hand still gripped around the handle of her sword. The box was so close, inches away from Sasha, if she destroyed it now, would the portal close? Andrias appeared to notice, his facade faltered, teeth gritting. A sickening crack echoed the room, Sasha's face fell, the booming of Andrias's laugh poisoned her ears.



"Get him tiny frog boy!" Yunnan's voice boomed as she sliced through the robots, laughing maniacally. Sprig bounded from robot to robot jamming sticks and shooting his slingshot to knock robots into Yunnan so the newt could slice and dice through them like dominos. "You guys are persistent aren't ya. You know what would be more valuable to everyone?" Yunnan stood on the shoulders of a bot and cackled. "If you were dead!!" In her boasting a rouge laser shot towards her, striking the General right in the shoulder. Hitting the ground with a thud, she groaned, Sprig raced over and checked the newt over thoroughly.

"Yunnan! Yunnan! Are you okay?" Sprig let out a surprised Yelp when the newt scooped the frog up and slashed a bot behind him.

"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that!" Sprig let out a confused but slightly relieved sigh and went back to the battle at hand.

"Charge!!" Hop Pops country accent cut through the ruckus, Sprig and Yunnans heads whipped around in sync. The orange grandpa frog was leading a charge full of various newts frogs and toads, all dawning their own weapons, Polly followed behind them standing on the newly fixed version of Frobo, everyone took arms. Swords flung, spears flailing, arrows and chains being swung at every corner. Sprig smiled, and hopped over, joining Polly atop Frobo and continuing to shoot his slingshot at the evil armada.

"Hey Polly!" Sprig attempted to shout over the endless battle noise, and Polly's own battle cry. The pink beach ball tadpole turned to face her brother.

"Yeah bro?" Polly continued to whack and smack rouge robots as they ventured closer.

"Have you seen Anne? I've tried to keep an eye out, seeing if she came back at all, but I haven't seen her for a while, do you think she's okay?" Polly let out a manic laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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