Chapter 14

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It's been 5 days since my first time with Luke and, in my opinion, I thought that once 'unblocked' myself, all those days where I've beenclosed off from everyone would have ended.

It wasn't so, on the contrary. My mood got worse, adding a lot of guilt for allowing myself to having my first time with my boyfriend just because I wanted to 'choke' the thought of the break up with Jennifer. So I tried every way not meeting him during the days, although it was pretty impossible seeing we were living together.

Those 10 days of holidays from work passed, finding myself in the sameplace of always. The shop. Monica didn't let me alone not even for a second, which really helped me, especially when I was working.

"Listen, we've got new stock, we have to get these ones up there. Can you do it? You're a six-foot!" she said ironically, making me laugh.

"Haha so funny... ok give them to me." I took the ladder and climbed up on it, tyding up the new toys. "Ok, is there something else?"

"Ehmm...yes, the last two boxes." She said, giving them to me.

"I don't understand why they're still ordering boxes of Doctor Who...ok yes, board games never go out of style, but I mean this one, peopledon't play with it anymore. Don't you agree?" I asked her, settingup the boxes, without receiving any answer. "Monica?"

"Ehm...Ava... come down here please..."

"What's happ...."my voice broke while I turned my head, finding that person that gave respite to my mind for a few minutes. Jennifer.

My breath seemed to stop, feeling the missing of my heat on my face.

"Hi..." she said, with a low tone of voice. I didn't answer, but received a head nod from Monica. "Can I... ask you to have lunch with me?"

"Jennifer I don't think it's a...."

"Please!"she said almost begging, I remained surprised by this answer. "Just... please..."

Monica gave me a little hit on my arm, noticing her look who was telling me to accept the invite. I looked back to Jennifer.

"Ok...but not for long..."

We went out from the store in silence, without any eye contact. We got into her car, I missed even that vehicle..

"There's a restaurant with a terrace neraby, we could talk in peace."

"Okay..."I said seriously

The trip lasted 15 minutes. Once arrived, we went up a staircase where there was a man discreetly elegant waiting for us, who guided us towards the only table which was in there, in the centre of the terrace, covered by a big gazebo. We sat, taking the orders and remaining in silence for the next 10 seconds.

" are you?" she asked shyly

I looked at her, feeling weirded by that question. 

"Spectacular!" I said sarcastically and serious, causing a disappointed reaction by her. I immediately regretted. "Ehm... what about Max and Emme?"

"They're good... they miss you..."

"Ha, they miss me too." I said, using a challenging tone for the second time... what did she expect? That I was going to act like nothing had happened?

"Actually... I wanted to see you to talk about them..."

"Oh! To talk about them, obviously not for me..."

"Ava please don't..."

"Oh no Jennifer don't start again because you're really the last one who can..." I said with louder voice, I couldn't stop myself, the anger was going to explode again.

(ENG) Remember Me This Way (Jennifer Lopez fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن