Too Smart - Bruce Banner

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Description: You are Bruce's daughter, he is working in his lab and you come in and correct everything he's doing. You are 5-6. Also I'm failing science so these science terms are going to be so basic.

POV of no one

Bruce was finishing up some work in the lab of Avengers Tower. He was doing some more research when his kid walked into the lab.

"How did you get in here?" Bruce questioned.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. let me in." they responded cheerfully.

"Okay, did you need anything, I'm just finishing up some work. I can meet you upstairs for dinner."

"I'll just wait," they started to walk around the lab grabbing all sorts of things. They stopped at a chalkboard covered in mathematic and scientific writing. They stand there looking at it for a couple minutes. 

"Angle 'ABH' is 4 degrees off and replace platinum with iridium," they said calming, focusing on other equation on the board. 

Bruce walked over to the board his kid was looking at. He stood there puzzled, because his kid could figure out it, when he had spent hours analyzing. He rewrote the equation and his replacements. He stood there, amazed. Y/n figured it out. 

Bruce quickly ran over to them and picked them up, spinning them around. They stopped spinning and Bruce looked at y/n in the eyes. "Thank you, little genius! Let's go get dinner."

"But dad, what about what you were working on?" y/n asked.

"It can wait" Bruce said proudly still holding his child in his arms. Bruce walked up the stairs and saw a table covered in food. He looked at y/n, confused.

"Tony ordered it." replied, answering his unasked question. Bruce nodded, putting y/n down.

4 minutes later

Bruce held up a glass of apple juice (y/n's choice), "This is to you and your big, smart brain." Y/n clinked their glass of juice with his. 

"Thanks dad," they said, dishing up. 

"I didn't know you could do all that brainy stuff y/n." Bruce said, filling the quiet.

Y/n replied, "Well I'm in your lab a lot, you kind of catch on you know."

"That makes sense kiddo," he responded.

They ate the rest of the meal in a comfortable silence. Once they both finished Bruce cleaned up while y/n watched him. He finished cleaning and went up to y/n.

"Ready for bed kiddo?" he asked. Y/n nodded their head in compliance. He picked them up and they went to the elevator. When they arrived on their floor, Bruce took y/n to their room. He combed their hair, brushed their hair, and changed them into some pajamas. Once they were in bed he read a book that on their bedside table.

"Goodnight room, Goodnight moon, Goodnight cow jumping over the moon, Goodnight light and red balloon-" he read aloud, his voice slowly quieting as he realized his child was asleep. He kissed them on the forehead, "Goodnight y/n," he said in a soft voice.

He exited the room silently, as he closed the door he watched his kid sleeping peacefully. He smiled to himself and shut the door.

Word Count: 508

a/n: Hi, this one is a bit different, but I hope you like it. Stay safe <3

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