Let's go kiddo - Tony

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a/n: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BESTIES!!!!!! also thanks so much for 180 reads!

description: You go to school with Peter, Mj, Ned, (y'know), and Flash is bullying you. You stand up for yourself (like the badass you are). Then you get in trouble so your dad picks you up.

Trigger Warning: Bullying

POV of y/n

I was talking to Peter at my locker right before my lunch break. 

"Yeah, tonight he has to go to ANOTHER ribbon cutting ceremony. It's getting tiring at this point," I explained my plans for tonight to him, "So likewise, I will be playing Mario Kart and eating whatever the chef makes until my mom yells at me."

"Sounds like every other night," Peter responded, closing his locker, "May is making her 'famous' meatloaf yet again."

"Sorry Pete, did you wanna come over for dinner?" I asked.

"No, May would be really upset, but I'll get a sandwich on my way home," he said.

As we were walking to lunch, Flash came up to us. Which is always annoying, because he is.

"Hey y/n, look who got an A on the Science test, and I'm guessing you've gotten, what a C?" Flash jeered.

"I honestly don't care speedy," I told him.

"What did you call me?" He shouted.

"Nothing," I said walking past him to the door.'

"Okay, go ahead and walk out with your second hand shoes, and your a*s outfit," he taunted turning to our direction.

At this point, everyone was huddled around the 3 of us.

"Don't talk to y/n like that!" Peter defended me.

"I don't need you help Peter, but thanks," I whispered.

"Sorry," he whispered looking at his feet.

"What you have to say on me calling you out y/n?" Flash mocked.

I took a  deep breath, "These shoes are more than your house, most of this outfit is designer, I got an A on my science test, and, oh, looks like you got a little something on your face." I walked up to him, and punched him square in the nose, "Don't you ever try and pull a stunt like that again, or I will have the Avengers collect you."

The crowd filled with 'whoops' and hollers.

He held his nose, "Yeah right like you know the Avengers, you live in like, a shack."

I just laughed a his remark, before kneeing him in the 'ungodly area'. I walked out and grabbed Peter on my way.

After lunch, during class

"Would y/n Walters (Tony made you use a fake last name, for protection) please come to the office." I heard a PA voice say.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out of class.

'Good luck' Peter mouthed.

'Thanks,' I mouthed back.

I arrived at the office, and sat down in one of the chairs.

Then she called me into her office. (This part is going to be bad, because I've never been in trouble, flex)

"Y/n you know very well that,  that behavior is NOT permitted on school grounds. I will have no choice, but to suspend you."

"What? But that makes no sense, he started it!" I said, very annoyed

"I'm sorry Miss. Walters, these are the consequences for your actions." She explained.

"Fine, whatever," I huffed.

Time Skip (because I want to)

I heard a very long beep of a car horn outside, I immediately knew it was my dad. That was only confirmed when I heard a voice outside,

"Let's go kiddo, I have places to be," he shouted from his car.

At that point so many students were outside filming because Tony Stark was right in front of them.

I ran out with my bag and jumped the side of the car with my dad, "Seriously" I looked sternly at him. 

"Oh whatever," he said, "PETER GET IN THE BACK."

"Okay Mr. Stark, thank you."

"Sure kid, let's go to the compound, Pepper is raging mad, and if we go home she will rip you to shreds."

"Sounds like a plan, thanks dad."

"Also, I saw that video with that, what's his name? Sonic. And I really need to teach you how to punch." 

"That's what you took away from that video," I questioned

He looked at me smugly, "Yeah." 

Then he started driving.

Word Count: 681  

a/n: thanks again for 180 reads. stay safe <3

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