Chapter Four: The Knights of Walpurgis

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When Tom and Anastasia were discharged, they met the Constantines and Tom's group glaring at each other as if daring the other to make a move whilst Hagrid teetered on the bench nervously. At the sound of the door creaking open, both parties looked towards them. Jasper smiled widely, practically jumping on Anastasia, while Angelo--looking politely joyous--held him back. Tom's group looked at him expectantly.

"Uh, why don't we meet in the common space and have a lonely chat?" said Anastasia. To anyone else, it may have seemed that those were her intentions, but to Tom, her saying "common space" in that manner meant to meet in their secret spot in the Forbidden Forest that they used to run off to in their first year.

"Alright," Tom replied, departing with his group.

"What kind of lonely chat?" snickered Jasper before Angelo hit him upside the head with a disapproving glare.

"Look, I'm going to be hanging out with Tom a lot more and that may mean I won't be able to hang out with you guys," Anastasia said.

"Why?" inquired Jasper. "After all he did to you?"

"It's complicated, but I still want us to be friends."

"Alright," Angelo said. "Whatever it is, it must be important. We trust your judgement."


"So did you do it?" inquired Avery. "Did you get her to join?"

"I'm not quite sure," answered Tom.

"What do you mean?"

"She agreed, with a few conditions, but it still felt too easy," Tom replied. "Ana wouldn't have given in this easily unless she was up to something."

"Then what do we do?" inquired Avery.

"You know the saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'? Well, that's what we're doing," Tom answered.

"So... is she an enemy?" asked Lestrange.

"No, not until she does something stupid," said Tom.


Later that night, Anastasia went out deep into the forest, wand in hand and Retyul shadowing her from the sky. In no way did Tom not suspect anything and it may be a trap. She should have held out a little longer. Pushing the curtain of Weeping Willow leaves out of the way, a moonlit path up the steep side of a mountain. At the end of the slope, there was a small cave. That's where they would meet in secret, but Tom wasn't there. It was quite strange of him, he's always emphasized punctuality. Hearing voices from the other side of the cave wall, she turned and saw five figures in black cloaks mumbling amongst themselves with Tom in the center.

"I know you're there, De Meath," Tom said. "Stop lurking."

Stepping out irately, she sighed in reply "I made it clear that this was to be a private conversation, didn't I Riddle?"

"I know what you said, Ana," Tom smirked. "But this is a joyous occasion!"

"What exactly makes this joyous? And don't call me Ana."

"After a long four days, I finally convinced you to join me!" Tom announced.

"Ah, so it's a victory party."

"Come here, Ana," Tom smiled. Anastasia gingerly stepped forward, gripping her wand tightly while scouting out possible escape routes in case it was a trap. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him, a strong urge to twist out of his grip and break his arms nearly overtook her, but she held out.

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