incorrect quotes 24

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call me Hireath lol, that's my name, thought i should tell you guys that. 


y/n: knock knock

billie: who's there?

y/n: when, where 

billie: when where, who?

y/n: me you, my house, tonight ;)


billie: how was your week?

y/n: lets just say i get jealous when my phone dies,


y/n holding a bag of marshmallows: do you think i can fit 10 of these into my mouth?

claudia: you are a hazard to society 

billie: and a coward do 20 

i fell like i've done this one before and i haven't at the same time so if i have sorry-


y/n doing some weird and dangerous shit

billie: damn we really need an adult.

billie: wait..

billlie: i'm the adult!


billie taps her fingers 

zoe taps her fingers 

y/n: stop that.

billie: what.

y/n: i know you're talking about me in morse code.

zoe: yeah that's exactly what we're doing, in our very limited free time we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you 

billie and zoe once y/n left: that's exactly what we did 


finneas: okay i dare you to kiss the most beautiful person in the room

billie: okay, y/n

y/n: hm?

billie: move i need to find a mirror


y/n: you can never loose and arguement if you put shut up nerd at the end 

finneas: that isn't true-

y/n: shut up nerd.


billie and y/n as detectives 

billie: he must have dro-

y/n: ah shit it looks like he died trying to drink this whole swimming pool.


y/n: did that hurt?

billie smirking: what? when i fell from heaven?

y/n: no you blonde bitch you just fell down the stairs 

zoe: we all saw.


[ trying to solve the trolley problem }

finneas: try and save as many people as possible.

claudia: agreed

billie: people are gunna die anyway so what's the piont?

y/n eating a bag of takis: just tokyo drift and kill them all

billie: .........

finneas: ...........

claudia: .................. no .......


y/n: i have decided  want to be cremated 

billie: like when you die?

y/n: i dunno, surprise me



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