incorrect quotes 27

343 12 1

hello bozos 


billie: rate your pain on a scale from 1 - 10

y/n: pi

billie: pi?

y/n: yeah, small but never ending


finneas: i think water can solve all our problems.

finneas: thirsty? drink water

finneas: want clear skin? drink water

billie: don't like a person? drown them


billie: go make your bed y/n

y/n: why should i if i'm gunna mess it up later?

billie: why should i take you on dates if you're still gunna die later?

y/n: alright fine.


[at a party]

finneas pulling claudia away from her seat: come on let's slow dance

claudia smiling: okay

[they slow dance]

y/n: come on bil lets go slow dance 

billie: alright 

[they slowly do the macarena]


[before billie and y/n got togthere]

billie: okay yeah i LOVE y/n i have loving feelings for y/n but does that mean im IN love with her?



billie: oh god.. im in love with y/n, why did no one tell me!?

finneas: we thought it was obvious?


finneas: hey bil, i'll get you a drink

billie: finneas, i'm on a date 

finneas counting coins out on the counter: alright, but she can only get something small.


y/n: thanks to coming to my y/n talk

billie: for the last time, they don't name it after every individual 

y/n: well, why should ted get all the talks


y/n: we can never let it get out that we got beat up by a bunch of kids 

billie: agreed

y/n: take it to the grave?

billie: absolutely 

y/n: this conversation never happened 

billie: i don't even know you

y/n: ..... that's mean you took it too far

billie: that's a weird thing for a stranger to say


y/n: i hate it when billie asks "are you even listening to me!?"

y/n: it's such a weird way to tart a conversation 


billie introducing y/n: this is my ex girlfriend, y/n

y/n: stop. i'm your wife.


y/n sleep deprived: man, fuck viruses they aren't even alive, it's juts strands of punk ass dna fucking us all up, you don't eve have a nucleus you dumb, bacteriophage looking horizontally transmitting rna clump looking bitch

finneas: wtf-

claudia: she hasn't slept for 2 days..

billie: she's kinda smart like this...


[y/n after hearing finneas and billie arguing]

y/n locking her car: if you're going to act like kids i'm going to treat you like kids 

finneas: it's illegal to lock kids in cars!


finneas introducing y/n: hey guys this is my new friend y/n, she gave me 2 bucks, i bought a hot dog with it

billie whispering: why'd you give him 2 bucks?

y/n whispering back: i thought he was homeless..


billie: i trust y/n

claudia: you think she knows what she's doing 

billie: ahh i wouldn't go that far 


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