Chapter 3

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As the sun shines through the trees, Blue breathed in the late afternoon air. This was the only time of day she felt free from her identity as 'Mayonaka Kyūseishu'.

Although she was happy saving people and used her demon powers for good, sometimes she wished she could just run away from it all.

There were always unbreakable chains and monsters that she had in her mind and soul, reminding her about her past and why she was in the spot she's in today.

But she couldn't run, for there were people out there who needed her help and she was going to do everything in her power to save this world from hell.
Blue couldn't help but think about how fast Giyuu found out she was a demon.

Was it that obvious? She never looked for herself at least. She was pretty well covered when she fought demons with humans at the scene.

All you could see were her eyes. Deep blue eyes that showed a human but we're no longer the windows to her soul. She closed that window a long time ago. And never again will it open for anyone or anything.

'This is frustrating.'

~ ~

Giyuu sat up from his bed. Looking around the cave, he wondered how long Blue had really been here.
'I'm not sure. I lost track of time a long time ago.'

What did she mean 'a long time ago'?Something about her didn't seem right. Other than the fact of her being a demon. He sighed in frustration as he thought about what happened.

She could have killed him. She could have finished him right after she killed that demon. But... she didn't. When she first looked into his eyes, there was kindness. That comforted him.

He was hoping that she was still wanting to go with him back to the other pillars. He truly thought she could help out with this demon problem.

If Blue and Nezuko could meet, who knows what could happen. Giyuu just wanted peace in this world. And if that meant something crazy had to happen, so be it.

He heard faded footsteps coming from the entrance of the cave and instantly felt the calm presence of a kind-hearted demon.

He looked up and saw Blue coming into the light. Her brown thread bag had something inside it. She also held a small black bag that smelled like wild grapes.

"Did you get any sleep while I was gone?" Blue asked as she removed her hood and mask, setting her bow and arrow against the wall. Her blonde hair moved slightly in the small breeze that filled the cave. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. Giyuu felt a strange feeling in his chest as he saw her smile at him softly.

He tried sitting up but hissed at the pain in his chest. "Wait wait wait wait!" Blue trips over her bag as she sees Giyuu sitting up. "Let me help you!"

Not bothering to stand back up, she quickly crawls over to Giyuu. "The medicine that you took is healing you so your insides are very sensitive at the moment." She explained, helping him sit up.

'That's understandable.'

"Hang on, let me get some water." She said.

Blue gets up and runs to a pot. She grabs a cup and opens the lid of the pot. She filled it with water and went back to Giyuu. Handing it over to him, she helped him take a drink. Feeling the cold water run down his throat, he felt all of his nerves relax.

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