Chapter 5

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'She hasn't spoken since that fight.'

Giyuu watched as Blue collected water from the rushing river that they stopped by along the way.

It was the next morning and Blue hasn't spoken a single word since the encounter with the demon. Blue's expression hasn't changed either since then. Her expression was blank. Giyuu sensed she was not telling him something.

'He will find you and when he does, he'll kill you!'

Those were the last words the demon spoke.

'What did that demon have against Blue it caused so much rage. Maybe it was the whole eye ripping out thing.'


Her name slipped past his lips without hesitation. She looks up at him with her soft demon eyes.

"About what that demon said, do you mind explaining?"

Blue looked back down at the rushing water. "I am afraid I can't tell you everything. But I can tell you what happened with that demon." Blue spoke up over the water.

Giyuu sat down next to her on the rocky ground.

"That demon and I didn't really get along. She lived in the same forest that I did. She's done some terrible things to humans. One time, I caught her in the act and she tried to kill me. In defense, I cut out her eye."

"Ever since then she has been at my throat. I have never been able to physically hurt her since then. But I mean, almost every demon that lives in that forest knows about me and has some form of hate for me. Their goal has always been to kill me."

Blue looked back down at the rushing water. Her expression changed from blank to sad.

"Being chased by a demon for so long, especially an angry one, can be pretty annoying. But, I just... I feel like she could have had a better death than decapitation."

She paused for a moment.

"Yeah, I don't know. It's just the way I am."

Giyuu sat there deep in thought.

'So, that's how she feels. She feels sympathy for demons, even for the bad ones. However, she killed that demon without hesitation when she saved me. But, I can still sense that sad feeling in her presence sometimes.'

'Honestly, I don't think she likes killing demons. I can't blame her. Having to take another life is difficult. Especially when that person or thing has killed people in the past and there was no way to bring them back.'

"You don't like doing what you do, don't you?" Giyuu asked gently. Blue felt a large lump in the back of her throat.

"I hate it. But, I don't have a choice." She whispered just enough for Giyuu to hear.

She turns her head to look him straight in the eyes. "Those demons only kill to lure me out of my hiding spot, because they know that I'm not just going to let them kill innocent people."

"That's how they get my attention and those people are counting on me to help them. In the time I have been in those woods, there has not once been a demon slayer to save those people. Some have not to trust in demon slayers anymore. It's just me. But I can't do this forever. I just can't. I don't like killing."

Blue buried her face in her arms. Giyuu placed his hand on her back and rubbed it slowly.

'How long has she been holding this in?'

If there was one thing for sure, Blue was mourning the deaths of those she couldn't save. Both human and demon. Blue didn't deserve this kind of life.

'She's too kind to this world.'

"I just try so hard to protect people from the worst possible events but at the same time, I want to help demons," Blue said as she lifted her head from her arms.

She remembers a distant memory. A memory that will forever haunt her until the day she dies.

"I just can't let people experience what I experienced. It was horrible." She whispers. Her eyes land on the rushing water.

Giyuu watches her as a small breeze blows past her, causing a few strands of hair to come loose. He slowly lifted up his hand and brushed the hair away from her face. The gentle movement brings Blue's eyes back to Giyuu. They stare at each other for a moment before Giyuu speaks.

"You don't have to do this alone anymore. I will help you defeat all the demons and help you find the peace you deserve."

His words found their way into Blue's heart and she smiled. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Something about her being this close to him, made him feel something that he has never felt before. He sat there simply admiring her beauty. Her kind, gentle aura was intoxicating.

Even though Giyuu has only known her for four days, he could tell that she was sneaking past the cold walls of his heart.

When realizing he's been staring for way too long, Giyuu clears his throat. "If you like, we can stay here for a while. You can rest while I keep a lookout." He stands up from his spot next to her. Blue watches as her companion moves away from her.

"What about you?" She asked in a worried tone. Giyuu looks back at her and sees the soft, concerned look in her eyes. His expression softened at seeing her so worried. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You just get some rest, please."

Blue didn't move. She just stared at his deep blue eyes. They were simply just mesmerizing to her. Something about them instantly captured her interest. She smiles before moving next to the closest tree.

She uses her bag as a pillow and lays her head on it. She allows herself to relax, using the sound of the water gently rushing by as her comfort. After a few short moments, she lets herself drown in the slumber she's been waiting for.

Giyuu sits down next to her head as he leaned his back against the trunk of the tree. He watched as her body rose up and down gently. He felt a sudden temptation to brush his finger against her cheek.

However, he refused. This was most likely going to be the only good sleep she gets for who knows how long. That being said, he let her get the sleep she deserved.

~ ~

"I don't know about you, but it is very, very peaceful tonight! Too peaceful if you ask me." Blue said out loud as she placed her hands on her hips and looked into the darkness of the woods.
She wasn't wrong.

The night was very peaceful, and not a single demon was in sight. There was nothing but the sound of the wind ruffling the trees.

"Do you know how much longer we have Giyuu?" Blue asked her male companion as she looked back at him. "Not that much longer, I don't think, only one more day." He responds.
Blue sighed in relief. Even though she loved walking in the woods and exploring new places, it was pretty tiring.

As the two of them continued to walk through the woods, there was a sudden change in the air.

Suddenly, the air was freezing. Blue walks closer to Giyuu. He reacts by gently grabbing her arm, his other hand on his sword.

They just slowly made their way forward. Everything was going smoothly until;

"Giyuu... I smell blood."

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