Chapter 9

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It was five hours later when rain had finally stopped. The moisty, sweet air felt cleansed from all the negativity and sorrow that hung with in the aura around Blue's home. It helped calm her emotions. The amount of memories and visions that flooded her head every minute were overwhelming. Never has this happened to her. At first, she didn't know how to handle it. But everyday, she was reminded that she wasn't alone. She had Giyuu with her and she was grateful.

As for Giyuu, he saw her completely different now. After what she had told him, how could he? He new that Blue was definitely not an ordinary demon but he never imagined that he life was like anything she explained to him. Her emotions, actions, and almost ever little bit of her was more human than demon. He was just so grateful that he earned enough of her trust to tell him her real name.

'My real name is Emily Mitsozusake.'

Her words repeated in him mind over and over again. It was all he ever thought about now. Giyuu believed it was a very beautiful name and it fits her perfectly. Now that the rain had stopped, he thought that now was a good time to start heading back to headquarters. They were now a few days behind but the sooner they got moving, the sooner they would reach headquarters.

Giyuu leans against the doorway of the front door with crossed arms. He smiled softly as he watched Blue play with a small family of rabbits that had passed by. She giggles as one of the babies rubs against her leg. The mother watches closely as her babies play with the much bigger, but once she saw that Blue possed as no threat, she let her seemed to be completely fine with Blue playing with her babies. Giyuu admired the scene in front of him. It was pure sight and he felt bad for having to interrupt.


She hummed in response as she played with the little rabbits. "We need to get going soon." Blue then turns head and gives Giyuu the biggest and sadness pout as she hold three baby rabbits in her arms. It wasn't the rabbits that almost caused his heart to stop–it was the look on Blue's face. He clears his throat and stands up straight. "It's better now that later." He stated fermly.

Blue groans as she rolls her eyes. Places the little rabbits down, she waves a little 'goodbye' to them as the run back with mother into the forest. As Blue stands up, she dusts off the dirt on her kimono. She turns back to Giyuu and begins to walk into her home. "Let's check and see if there is anything useful we can take along with us." Without arguing back, Giyuu follows Blue inside.

As they make their way into the kitchen, Blue grabs a small candle. SHe holds it in her hand as she flutters her fingers over it, causing a small white flame burn. "That's impressive." Giyuu complements her actions. "Thank you," Blue smiles proudly. "I taught myself how to do that when I was ten."

Using the candle to light her way, Blue began looking through the cabinets It seemed like she was searching for something. "What are you looking for?" Giyuu asked her, slightly confused. "If I can recall," She openes another cabnet and peaks inside. "My mother kept a jar of crushed Wisteria flower pedals for safekeeping. She was obsessed with the flower." Blue smiled and looks in another cabinet. " She would uses it in medicine, protection purposes, or even just for fun." Blue responses.

Giyuu follows in her every move. A thought popped up into his head when she mentioned the Wisteria flower. "Doesn't Wisteria affect you?" Giyuu questioned. Blue turned her head and tilted it in confusion. "Affect you as a demon, I mean."

"It does," Blue says with a sigh. "Althought since I'm a half-breed, it doesn't affect me as it would for a normal demon." Blue continues to speak as she looks through the cabinets. "Has it ever really affected you before?" He asked. "Umm," She bite the inside of her cheek as she thought of an answer to Giyuu's question. "I can handle it for about an hour or so before I get dizzy and sick." Blue stated.

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