Chapter 5: A Princess's Worries

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Tonight is the night. The least anticipated night I'll ever have. The ball.

Kathryn wanted to stay in bed a little longer, sometimes even wishing that she'll never wake up. A bit too dark, but she'd rather die than go to that ball.

Three hours left until the ball starts in the ballroom. The servants had her prep for the ball in the morning. The ENTIRE morning and half of the afternoon.

After all of that nonsense that she had to go through, she snuck away to rest for the time being until one of her servants find her to prepare her for the real thing.

"I don't wanna meet people I don't care about..." Kathryn groans to herself, her face flat on top of a fluffy pillow. "I don't even wanna get married right now."

Kathryn lifts her head up and rolled over to lie on her back. She exhaled as she gazed up at the ceiling.

"I could run away," Kathryn tells herself. "With my cai, I can portal to another country, hide my identity by living in the countryside. Maybe live life as a farmer."

While thinking about what to do if she ran away, the princess kept playing out scenarios. But in all those scenarios she thought up, it was only her.

"Damn, I'm alone in all these scenarios..." Kathryn muttered to herself. "Who would I even bring?"

There weren't many people she knew who would agree to runaway with her. She thought maybe Freya, but the princess honestly thinks the noble girl wouldn't want to leave her title of "noble" just to continue playing with the royal girl.

Thomas... would he come with me? she asked herself.

Remembering Thomas reminded Kathryn of the time he wanted to tell her something not too long ago until she had to leave.

What did he want to say?

Three hours has passed. Kathryn had her hair, makeup and dress ready thanks to the servants who helped her. The princess had her hair in a princess crown braid. For the dress she wore a light blue floral vine embroidery ball gown that exposed her shoulders and arms. Because she's a princess, she wore a jeweled tiara atop of her head and wore a necklace with a yellow sapphire.

"Are you ready, your highness?" the maid, Judith, asked.

Kathryn took a deep breath.

"Yes. Yes I am."


The ballroom was filled with people, boys and girls Kathryn's age or older. She didn't want to be on the dance floor or anywhere in the open, but she had no choice but to stand and chat to the men who approached her. Many sons of lords made advances on her, and she knew she couldn't deny them. She felt like nothing but a prize to these guys, none of them seemed to really care about how she felt or truly wanted to get to know her.

Once the men left her alone, Kathryn took this chance to escape. She took sanctuary at an empty balcony, resting her arms on the railings as she sighs.

"I didn't know what I was expecting." Kathryn rests her head on her arms. "Was I really expecting a Prince Charming to come sweep me off my feet?"

Kathryn looked up at the night sky, seeing the stars and moon above. She recognized most of the constellations in the sky, like Aquila, Cæra, and Patonti.

Caravince (DISCONTINUED|NEW CANON STORY IN PROGRESS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ