Kathryn Wang Profile

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Legal Name: Kathryn Adelaide Wang

Age: 16 Years Old

Relatives: Ying Yue Wang (Mother)
                      Jonathan Jun-Wan Wang (Father)

Affiliation: The Xagrus Royal Family (Princess)


Date of birth: February 16th, XIX97

Place of Birth: Brankirk/The Capital, Xagrus

Marital Status: Engagement in Progress

Residence: Biprism Castle
Brankirk/The Capital, Xagrus


Race: Cai Human (Cai meaning: talented/gifted. A human born with superpowers. Earth 2's positive perspective on abnormals)

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Hair: Havana Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown (Normal)
                       Yellow (When using powers)

Height: 5'5" / 1.6 m

Weight: 118 lbs / 54 kg


- Portal Creation: The power to create portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations. She can only create one portal at a time which leads to her desired location most of the time. Currently, she can only create one portal on flat surfaces.


- Kathryn has a sweet tooth and craves for sweet foods and treats. (Cake, candy, etc.)
- Kathryn loves to read epic tales of adventure from the old times and fictional stories about other worlds.
- Kathryn goes by "Kat" by some of the townsfolk of Barostorm Market to keep her identity as the country's princess a secret.
- Kathryn's only friends are Thomas Grimmus and Freya Nightingale.
- Kathryn doesn't get along with other aristocrat girls (Freya being the exception.)
- Kathryn learned how to do stealth from Thomas when they broke into a bookstore at one point.

Caravince (DISCONTINUED|NEW CANON STORY IN PROGRESS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora