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For the first time since I can remember, I woke up with someone else. How do I know it wasn't all a dream? Because he was right there. I wish our beds hadn't been put so close together, because this shank (my new word for an idiot) snores worse than the grievers. He was cute as hell but he kept me up ALL NIGHT. And not in a good way either. I look over at him and decide that I'm not gonna run the maze today. This seemed like a pretty good opportunity to get to know Callan and everything, and I mean everything about him. The sun was shining, there was a cool breeze flowing through and I had a guy willing to do whatever I want lying right beside me. I kicked my leg out at him, striking him hard enough in the gut to shock him out of sleep. "Ooooooww why would you do that?!" He croaked, his morning voice sounding kinda hot. "You were snoring. Time to get up!" I announced. "Today we do bonding exercises. Get to know each other. Otherwise how will we be able to live together?" 

After lunch and afternoon tea we were sitting on my bed, exhausted from the exercises I planned. I'm talking blindfolded guiding, trust falls, blindfolded veggie picking, 21 questions, building a swing and making the other person sit on it. And now it was time for the most fun bonding exercise out of them all. I slyly looked over at him, lying behind me on my bed. 'Hopefully the structure is good enough for two people' I thought. So, I turned around, leaning my elbows on the bed, my knees on the floor, and I started flirting. Why? Because I was bored. I didn't think it would end up in sex, because we haven't actually known each other that long, and we haven't gotten to the 'therapy' part of the day. But this was just play. "You're hot, you know that right?" I whispered in his ear. He slowly turned his head to me and whispered back "Why didn't you go into the maze today" and me being the person I am, I said "Because I wanted to do this-" and I leant forward and kissed him. The new glader wasn't half bad. 

When it started to get a little heated with me sitting on top of him, I pulled away. "Noo why" he whined. I ignored him."Now moving on to the most important part of the day. I'm going to show you the personal item that came in the box with me. Then I'll give yours back. And we are going to spend the rest of the afternoon coming up with possible stories behind the items, and why whoever put us here would let us keep them." I explained calmly. While Callan was out of breath and looked disheveled, I didn't need my mirror to know that I looked flawless and steady. Which is another reason why I'm a top. Even so, I hopped off of him and my bed and went over to the clothes cupboard. I reached between two folded shirts and found my mirror and Callan's artefact. I had tried mercilessly to scrape the blood off a while ago, but it would not budge. It must have had some relevance to my life then. 

I returned to the beds but this time I brought Callan's bed closer and sat down. He sat up on my bed and curiously looked at the mirror. I looked at him, and then myself. "So. When I came up in the box, and I first saw the glade, this fell out of my pocket. And I have no idea what it means since I can't remember anything. So you're going to help me theorise." I summarised. "Why is there blood on it? Has it got something to do with the scar on your face?" Callan questioned. "I have no idea why there's blood on it, and yes it probably did. The scar was there when I looked at the mirror for the first time." I answered. We were up for about an hour with theories about my mirror, and then I gave Callan his artefact. I found it in his hand in the box, and I snuck it out of his grasp so I could get a good look at it. It was a silver chain necklace with a shark tooth on it. "I knew you were a surfer boy!" I exclaimed proudly. We stayed up past dinner with stories that could have linked the two artefacts, one so outrageous that we were laughing with tears in our eyes.

We lay down in our beds, which were further apart this time, and listened to the rumbling of the maze changing, freshly clean from showers and artefacts stowed away neatly. I looked up to the leaf-and-wooden roof I had built and thought 'maybe this isn't so bad'. I heard a voice in the darkness and came out of my dream state. "Nyla?" He whispered- "Yeah?" I replied. "We have to go touch the wall" 32 days. And he's only on his 2nd.



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