Stung By A Wasp

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As soon as the first light of day washed over my face, I sprung up and broke the twine holding the pit doors together. I pushed them open and climbed out, careful as to not make any noise. Technically I wasn't breaking any rules, since the punishment was only one night and it was't nighttime anymore. I tip-toed over to the kitchen and grabbed myself an apple. I skipped my midnight snack and that made me hangry. I snuck out of the shelters and over to the gates, sat down and waited for them to open. The anxious pit in my stomach had hurt me all night long, and all I wanted to do was cry, but I had to be strong for everyone else. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard the grass rustle behind me. Nolan lowered himself to the ground beside me, staring at the concrete wall. "Sorry for not speaking up yesterday, I guess we were all a little bit shocked. I understand why you did it though and for the record I would have done the same." He admitted. I didn't think my tears would hold back if I tried to answer, so I carefully shuffled closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. After a bit, I finally gathered the strength to talk. "I want to show you something. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." I asked. After his small response of promise, I took my diary out of my pocket. Reading the first page to him, I watched as shock took over his features. After I finished and I put the book away,  and the doors started opening. I told Nolan that there was no time to discuss the diary now, and to stay put. Standing up quickly, I bolted through the doors. I needed to find Callan. I needed to find him. 

Each turn was a blur, but I knew where I was going. I made it to the blades, where I found Callan huddled up against the wall. He looked bruised, but above all he looked terrified. I raced over to him. "Callan! Callan I'm sorry!" I sobbed, falling to my knees in front of him. He raised his head, and I saw that there were tears in his blue eyes, dirt in his ginger hair and scratches all over his face. I didn't ask him what happened because all I wanted to do was get him back to safety. I picked him up bridle style, lifting under his tattooed arm and earning a squeak of surprise, rushing back home. It took me a bit longer than anticipated because he was heavy, and kept dazing in and out of consciousness. Eventually we made it to the home stretch and as I looked up, everyone was standing there. Nolan had obviously called them all over. Val, Koa and Alvaro were geared up (Even though I never gave consent to Al becoming a runner) ready to come get me. Kaiden was standing back, looking pissed. Evander was holding on to Niko, worry spread out on his freckled young face. I stumbled forward into the glade, dropping Callan onto the ground. "Everyone make some room!" I shouted, breathless. Then I snapped back to reality and I started giving orders. "Hunter. Make your pretty face useful by grabbing all the medical supplies you think we'll need. Niko, take all of the younger ones back to the shelter, I don't want them seeing anything they don't have to. Val, help me carry Callan over to the med hut. And the rest of you, scram!" I barked, walls inside me going up and stronger than ever. 

Once we had transported Call onto one of the med beds, I stood back and watched Hunter work his magic. His blond hair fell over his eyes as he leaned over Callan, doing whatever he needed to. I was standing back with Valentino, looking up at him. He was a little bit taller than me, but other than that I thought we looked quite alike. His black hair was cropped (my amazing attempt at haircutting) and his dark face was splotched with dirt. I turned my attention back to Callan when I heard Hunter gasp. He had lifted his shirt up, which revealed a massive oozing gash on his side. He had been stung by a griever. Once we realised what happened, things got worse. Hunter tried cleaning around the wound with some cotton, but Callan started thrashing. Snarling and foaming at the mouth, he punched the air and kicked his legs out. "I'm gonna need you two to hold him down!" He instructed. With a small whimper I went over to Callan's head, putting all my weight onto his shoulders and steadying his top half. Val rushed over to his legs and did the same. Hunter focused back on his torso, and immediately went quiet. "What? What is it Hunter? What's wrong with him?!" I shrieked. He ignored me, went over to the table and filled a syringe. He sombrely walked over to the bed and injected the needle right into the wound. Callan instantly stopped convulsing.

"What the fuck Hunter? What was that?" I accused, tears rolling down my cheeks. Callan's eyes were open, but he was more pale than ever and I could see his veins sticking out. Hunter and Val faded into the background as I looked down and stared into his eyes. As blue as they always were, shining in the light. "I helped him create it" He started. To my confusion he said raspily, "What was in that syringe. I helped. Hunter, Chevy and I figured out a way to alter herbs to create a serum that would shut down the affects of the venom." Confused, I replied happily. "So you'll be okay then?" His croaky answer was "The only side affect is that it shuts down everything else too. Before you say anything, I want you to know that I forgive you. And I love you. I'll be watching." I watched as his head tilted to the side of my arms, and closed his eyes as one small drop escaped. I let one of my own escape before those walls inside me completely closed and I felt nothing. I turned away from the bed and to the boys. "Thank you for doing that Hunter. I'm not sure we could have done anything else." I monotoned. Then I turned to Val. My sweet Valentino. "And you. Can you please grab one of the others and dig another hole? Thanks" I turned and I walked out. Stone cold face. No more hurt. No more bad things. Just business and fun. I was walking over to the wall when I passed a smug looking Kaiden. And you know what? I couldn't handle that, that look! So, I strutted up. "Wipe that look off your face boy. Oh wait, I'll do it for you" And I punched him square in the nose. As he cried out in pain, I gathered myself and continued walking. Brushing my hand over my name, I chiseled a line through Callan's. 

"Goodbye buddy"

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