Questions and Betrayal

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I spent the next couple of days trying to catch my mind up to my body. I had nervously shown my diary to Axel and Valentino, needing to have someone else join the craziness. They have both stuck beside me since then, assuring me that even if they don't remember it, they are my best friends. Callan was not happy about this arrangement, and was complaining to me while we washed the cutlery together. I tuned back into what he was saying, exhausted from everything I had to deal with already. "-and that's why I'm second in command, not them. Are you even listening to me?" He said, annoyed. I sighed and looked over at him. "Look Call, I love you. But that does not mean you get to choose who I hang out with. And yes, I made you second in charge because you have outstanding loyalty and leadership qualities. But that does not mean that your complaining will stop me from stripping you of your position. Okay?" I summarised, hoping I had interpreted his ranting correctly as I was zoned out for most of it. Nodding his head, he wiped his last dish clean and stormed out into the forest. I exhaled and continued with my work. 

After finishing my morning chores and sitting down for lunch, I noticed that no one else seemed to be doing the same. In fact, none of the gladers were here. I put my bowl down and got up. I looked around for the gardeners who were supposed to be harvesting the beans, then I looked around for the cooks who seem to have left everyone to fend for themselves. I jogged to the centre of the glade, put my fingers in my mouth and whistled. It was quite loud and echo-y off the walls, it sounded amazing. When no one came running back to their leader, I started to worry. I broke off into a sprint towards the jungle, hoping and praying that this was just lunchtime joke time. I went as far as I could into the forest, even around my secret map hut. And that's when I heard the voices. The voices of my friends inside the shack. Dread filled in my stomach as I soundlessly put my ear against the shelter wall. "What does this mean?" Chevvy asked. "It means that she's been lying to us. Letting us risk our lives everyday in that maze, knowing there was no hope." Kaiden hissed. I put my eye up to a little hole in the wood, trying to get a good look at the expressions they wore. Kaiden was standing in the centre, staring at my map. His face was contorted with rage. Next to him stood Valentino, who was obviously trying to calm them all down. "Maybe she had a reason" He said, playing it like he didn't know what this was. But what hurt me the most was what came next. "She deceived us. Why?" And this question came from Callan. He was standing almost at the back of the group surrounding the rock table, but I could clearly make out his features. The only this I could see was betrayal. He looked so betrayed that a tear dripped down my cheek. I tried to convince myself that I was helping by not saying anything. I was protecting my pack.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away, steeling myself for what was to come. I walked around the side of the hut and opened the door. As I walked in, everyone stared. They all looked so hurt. And disheartened because they knew the truth. There was no escaping. The group parted as I walked through, until I was directly opposite Kaiden, who had his hands firmly placed on the table. "How long have you known?" He demanded. I quietly lifted my head, looking directly into his eyes. "I've known since about day 20. But listen to me, I only did it-" I was cut off by a voice. "Fuck this. I loved you. I believed you. Hell, I pretty much worshipped the ground you walked on. And no matter how many times you flirted with the others right in front of me, or gave me extra work that was out of my league, I trusted you. I truely thought you would get us out of here. " He said, voice quivering. Then he ran. My first friend that I remember making ran. I burst through the door after him, ignoring all the heartbroken faces. I watched as he bolted across the glade and out the doors. "Callan NO!" I screamed after him. But he was already gone. Overwhelmed, I crumpled to my knees in the grass. Tears now freely streaming down my face, I sobbed. "Please Callan no. No no no no." I shook my head side to side, wrapping my arms around myself. Alone.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. Press their body around me like a warm cocoon in the grass. It was very comforting, but until I knew who it was I wouldn't relax. My eyes stung from the salty tears, and my vision was blurry, but I could still make the person out. "Hey Val" I sniffled, still crying against my will. I was about to ask him why he looked surprised when I felt more weight hugging me. Looking up again, I saw Axel. Unable to hold it in anymore, I burst out weeping. I hadn't cried in over three years and I forgot how stupid it made me feel. But something Axel said reassured me of something. As he wrapped his arms around me tighter, he whispered, "I know you think you look really weak right now, but all everyone else sees is a girl who's had too many problems and not enough solutions, finally break. And if that doesn't help then maybe the fact that the tears illuminate your scar will." And through my sobs I laughed. But the happiness didn't last long as I realised that Callan was gone, I was in a confined space will 28 boys who I lied to for three years, and only two of them liked me. Well then I guess there were the newer and younger ones who didn't really understand what was happening, but the others definitely hated me. 

Once I had gathered myself together (Which took a good half an hour) and did the rest of the days work, I called all the boys around the firepit to make a little speech that would hopefully change their current opinions about me. I voiced, "Okay, let's start off with the giant map and hut in the corner of the glade. I created that hut specifically for the map, placed the rock there by myself, and gathered all the materials I needed for it. I also ran into the maze 100 times a day, mapping the changes. Once I figured out the pattern," I paused and took a deep breath, "Callan came up. I saw no point in telling him my plans, because I wanted something in here that was all mine. Something I didn't have to share. But once I had mapped it completely and some more of you had come up, I told no one because I was scared. I was scared at what would happen if I told you we couldn't get out. Better to have a good lie than a bad truth right? And I am so so sorry for not telling you guys sooner, and if you want to throw me out you can." I stated, concluding my speech. Everyone looked wary, like they were waiting for someone to say something. Someone did. "One week in the pit. Some people here still respect you, and I hate that because it means I can't just throw you out. But if you survive the week then sure, you can stay." Kaiden spat. Valentino shook his head and stood up. "Don't be absurd Kaiden. She was here before any of us. She deserves her secrets. One night in the pit. No food. But tomorrow she returns to her role and we all leave her alone, because our top prioity will be finding Callan. I'm in charge until then." He retorted, a smug look on his face. All the gladers turned and bowed their heads to him, before Kaiden and Farris took me by the arms and led me over to the pit. "You won't get away with this" Kaiden taunted. "Oh sweet Kaid, but I already have. I'm forgiven. But I'll never forgive you." I whispered back. He yanked my arm forward and I fell into the pit. I quickly thanked Nolan for bringing me secret dinner and fell asleep on the ground, worrying about my second in charge. 

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