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We're going to flick through this next part of my life very quickly. The day I was placed in the glade was the start of my life, and lucky for me I remembered the months and days of the year. So I decided to call my arrival January first, year 1. I touched the wall everyday in as a reminder of what day it was. Thirty-one days later, Callan showed up. This was a month after mine. I thought, no biggie. We considered his arrival to be on February first, year 1. I spent thirty days with him, learning about my new way of life. Then on the first of March, another person showed up. Another boy. His name was Valentino. He was a very good kisser. His artefact was a bottle with something yummy in it. Of course I took the liberty of drinking some before I gave it back to him. Callan didn't like him very much. And then on the first of April, another boy. Evander. A little clumsy, but I thought it was quite cute. This became a routine thing. Every morning on the first of the month until year 3, a boy came up in the box.

I found this quite irritating. Where were my girls? But there were other things I started noticing too. Like how it was not just the first three of us that came up with a personal item or 'artefact'. Everyone did. We were all around the same age. Me being the oldest at 19. And none of us had our memories. I was silently voted as the leader over this period of time. I was the person who introduced the greenies (new gladers) to their home. I was the one who decided what trees got chopped or which animals to kill. Except usually I took the role of hunter. Because it was fun. I was also the one in charge of the jobs. All the boys said I had a knack for knowing what you'd be good at, and I'm always one for compliments. The jobs around the glade included hunting, gardening, running the maze, cooking, nursing and building. We had 36 gladers to take care of, give or take a few.

I say give or take because unfortunately, sometimes the people who run the maze don't come back. Or worse, they get stung. Being stung means that you've gone into the maze, been chased by a griever, and been stabbed with a little poisonous stinger on the grievers tail. When you come back to the glade, you feel fine for a bit, and then it hits. I'm assuming what it feels like here, since I've only observe it happen poison takes hold of your brain, turning your eyes black and making all of your teeth fall out. The infected area spreads around your inside body, turning you into what I nicknamed a crank. Your only thought is to kill, and that's why we only have 28 gladers on December twenty-ninth, year 3. Not because they were killed by cranks! But because we killed them. We did not have the medicine to fix that.

When a kid dies in here, we pay our respects by (if they're still alive) throwing them out into the maze, (if they're dead) throwing them in the forest, and engraving a line across their name in the wall. You should see the little concrete space now. Instead of one lonely name, there's 36. Even though 8 names are crossed out, it still feels pretty special. I'm going to list all the names by their order, the artefact they came up with, their job title, and their hotness out of ten. Because I'm narrating this while watching them build another shower, and I'm bored. And if I talk about them later, I want everyone to know who they are.

Nyla. Stained mirror. First-in-charge. 10/10

Callan. Shark tooth necklace. Gardener/second-in-charge. 7/10

Valentino. Drink bottle. Runner. 9/10

Evander. Toy monkey. Cook. He's 13! The youngest here and rating him would be weird.

Koa. Pillow. Runner. 9/10

Marco. Wedding ring. Dead.

Murphy. Light bulb. Builder. 5/10

Duncan. Empty journal. Dead.

Harkin. Framed photo. Slicer. 7/10

Marcellus. Flower seeds. Gardener. 4/10

Armando. Doll. Nurse. 8/10

Viggo. Broken camera. Dead.

Chevy. Glasses. Med-jack. 4/10

Garrick. Spiderman watch. Runner. 5/10

Harbin. Blanket. Cook. 5/10

Kavan. Beanie. Dead.

Trace. Purse. Builder. 8/10

Axel. Recipe book. Cook. 9/10

Patton. Hair brush. Builder. 9/10

Raynor. Lipstick. Dead.

Batair. Dog collar. Cook. 3/10

Saxon. Chess piece. Gardener. 4/10

Chase. Pepper spray. Slicer. 8/10

Dustin. Carnival tickets. Dead.

Emeric. Nail polish. Builder. 5/10

Farris. Medal. Gardener. 3/10

Hunter. Pencils. Med-jack. 6/10

Ivor. Shell bracelet. Dead.

Kaiden. Key. Runner. 9/10

Killian. Keyring. Slicer. 7/10

Lionel. Hairbrush. Gardener. 4/10

Merrick. Stone. Dead.

Nolan. Broken mirror piece. Builder. We actually think we are siblings so I'm not rating him.

Ozzy. Wooden figurine. Cook. 4/10

Quillion. Matches. Builder. 5/10

Wyatt. Satchel. Builder. 7/10

Author's Note- For reference, Nyla was put in the maze at 16 in January 2069. And fast forward to all this, being set in December 2072. And she was the oldest because when she arrived in the maze, even though the age differs for everyone :) Just like how Evander was 10 when he came in, so he's now 13, making him the youngest.

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