Having Fun

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The 31st of December. We made it through another month, only having lost 8 kids over the space of 3 years. Means that another kid will be coming in tomorrow, and that anxiety kept me from sleeping in. I got out of my bed (Which still had the best shelter) and walked over to where the cooks were planning breakfast. Barefoot, only in shorts and a thin shirt, I stood across from them over the table. "Good morning boys!" I grinned. Axel looked over at me. He was probably one of the cutest there, and one of the best kissers too. I had only not kissed three of the boys, Trace, Chevy and Lionel. That's because I thought they were gay. And I think they knew it too. Since I was in a flirty mood this morning, I leant over the table slightly to where my other chefs were. "Do you gentlemen mind if I borrow Ax for a bit? I need him for a little experiment." I purred. Distracted by the eggs frying, Harbin waved us away. I took Axel by the hand and led him over to the circle. The circle (if you remember) is a little thing that Callan and I made up on his third day. I told him that if he could push me out of the circle, he could be a runner. And now he's a gardener. But we kept that going. So now, if someone wants to change jobs or get more food or decide what activities to do, they're put in the circle against whoever they're disputing. Whoever loses spends a night in the pit. The pit is like a hole with bars on top. We put people who disobey in there. Or problematic greenies. 

So, we got in the circle. And I cut him a deal. "If I remain in the circle, you have to kiss me. And if you remain in the circle, i'll do your work for today. Accept the deal? Or are you too scared." I taunted. He put his hands in front of his face, and then the other gladers realised what was happening and walked over for encouragement. This got me a little worried, as the others don't exactly know that I've been with everyone. Actually, I hide a lot from them. I haven't even told them about my map. Well, I told Valentino after a fun night, but he only clues the others in to where to go. Anyway, back to the task at hand. I was undefeated in the circle. Usually whoever I went up against lasted about 10 seconds, was put on a stretcher and taken straight to the med hut. But did I want to ruin Axel's pretty face? Yes. Yes I did. So I pushed all thoughts out of my head and focused on winning. Garrick clanged a pot and spoon together and it was on.

Axel lunged forward. I quickly dodged out of the way as he stumbled forward, landing my knee in his gut. I pivoted behind him and pushed him to the edge of the circle. Before I could give that one final nudge, he twisted around, taking hold of my wrist. "You've been practicing" I mocked, throwing a punch straight for his nose and causing a waterfall of blood. He spun me around until I was the one in danger. Leaning on the edge of the rope, I saw a flash of opportunity. Axel was off-balance, still gripping my arm but defending himself from my thrashing body. His left foot had all of his support bared on it. So I took it out. Spun closer to him till I was against his chest, swept his leg out from underneath him, and pushed with my weight. Letting go of my arm, he fell over and out of the circle. "Dammit Nyla. How did you get so good?" He asked, breathless and holding his stomach. I didn't reply, just stepped out of the pit and flexed my arm muscles to the cheering crowd. "Meet me in the med hut. I'll patch you up there." I teased, discreetly massaging my wrist from where he had twisted it. 

In the med hut, after wiping away his bloody nose, giving him some herbal tea for his stomach pain, and putting a bandage on a knee scrape, I sat on his lap on the bed. "You lost" I reminded him while staring at his confused face. "Not such a bad thing is it?" he quipped. We were there for about 10 minutes before I slid off of him and walked out. When I walked out, the first thing I did was head to the pit. We had two gladers in there who were found fighting over clothes, and our rules were that you had to let them out after a day. It took me half an hour to be satisfied with their apologies and I let them out. I then started walking over to the shelters. But what I saw when I got there was interesting. All the boys had their backs towards me, huddled up around the dry firepit. I didn't want to disturb them, so I soundlessly snuck behind the nearest tree, close enough that I could listen to them, but far enough that they couldn't sense me. I tuned in to the conversation. "So we need to start training more, or she's going to beat us every time we have an opinion." One of them said. "Personally I don't mind being beat by her. I like the leadership she has." another chimed in. Obviously they were talking about me and my flawlessness. 

"I believe that her and I have a better connection than the rest of you, considering that I may or may not have had some intimate times with her and I am second in charge" Boasted Callan. Rolling my eyes, I thought- Alright Cally boy, no need to brag.- I thought this would be the perfect time to stop the conversation, before everyone found out how well I had played them. In reality I liked them all equally, my little boy toys. There were a few that stood out to me and I have gone further with than the rest, but I'm not telling anyone that. So I confidently strode out from behind the tree, pretending I didn't hear them talking. "So, what are my worker bees up to? I take it you've all finished your chores?" All of them nodded in unison, not saying anything. Cowards. "Well then, I guess it's time to put on the fire. But I've been thinking a little bit, and I believe that we need to amp up the heat. Patton, if you could take one of the others to go help you collect some wood and leaves? We're making a bonfire!!" I hollered with my hands in the air.

With the fire reaching high in the sky(which we discovered takes waaaay longer than we thought) we all moved our seats/logs backwards. After getting settled with our pork and veggies, we all huddled around the warm flame. After dinner, I decided to play a game. Making suggestions in my head, I came up with the perfect game to play. "Truth or Dare!" I announced. "Non-negotiable and super fun!" Everyone didn't care that much, we were all pretty tired from the work of the day. So of course I started it off. "Farris. What is the worst-" I was cut off by one of the gladers, Kaiden. I thought he was very cute until he interrupted me. Death staring him, I let him continue. "I have a different game in mind." He paused (Obviously he had a flare for the dramatic) "I think we should play get to know Nyla. We'll just ask you the truth or dares and you have to answer them." I was shocked. "First of all, I don't remember giving permission for you to speak. I was talking, and your interruption was not welcomed. Second, why would you like to play this game? It doesn't seem very exciting" I concluded. He stood up with a smirk, looking around at all the other gladers who seemed very anxious to see what happened next. They weren't used to people disagreeing with me, because when they did, they were't around for long. And this shank thought he was special. 

"I want to play this game because it seems to me that you always have the upper hand. Have dirt on us that even we didn't know about each other and ourselves. But I guess even though you must enjoy it being like that, I for one don't. I want to get to know you, so we can all be on even ground. Unless you're too chicken to play?" Cocking his head to the side. The others knew I wasn't one to back down from a challenge, but I wasn't going to play the game by Kaiden's rules. This was my home, and being the first one here, I have a right to my secrets. Satisfied with my decision, I crossed my arms and stood up, staring him down. The bad thing was, there was nothing but confidence in his beautiful green eyes. "Oh sweet Kaid, I'll play. But I find that you'll regret opening your mouth."

The first question asked was from the rebel himself, Kaiden. "So Nyla. Truth or Dare?" He jeered, sitting back on the log and folding his arms. I sat down as well, and tried to appear as relaxed as possible. "Dare." I confidently said. He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to figure out what I was up to, but then straightened up. "Okay. I dare you to tell every glader a different secret. Starting with me." I wanted to slap the smug look off his face, but I took a deep breath and gave him the most fake smile I could muster. "It would be my pleasure!" I stated cheerfully. Sashaying over to him and leaning in his ear, I said softly, "I think Axel is bigger than you. And I didn't like this stunt you pulled, after all I've done for you." Skipping across to Callan with an uncovered smile, I told him "I don't think Kaiden likes me very much" Dancing my way over to Hunter, I whispered, "Kaiden got a boner while I gave him the introduction tour" Soon enough I had told everyone a secret. A secret about Kaiden. Just like he asked. And after all, he told me that I knew everything about everyone. Soon enough everyone had cheeky smiles on their faces, the realisation of what I had done had hit them all, even Kaid. Except he wasn't smiling. His face had actually gone quite pale.

He got up and stomped towards the showers. "I guess we're done then?" I called after him. Turning back to the chuckling group, I lowered my voice. "I was silently nominated leader. I have no problems with being opposed, but if you plan to challenge me, be prepared to take all the shit I give you. Love to all, and to all a goodnight." I spun around, and waltzed away. I could feel their gazes on me, watching me walk to my bed, and silently prayed that I didn't stumble. I was the pack leader, and anyone who stood against me had to be prepared for a fight to the death. 

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