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Next to me, Mr. Hiddleston coughs, but even as my mind swirls, I can pick up the laugh he tried to desperately to hide. "Well, you'll be home soon."

Looking back, I'm almost glad I went on that walk, now knowing the outcome: quality time with my favorite teacher and getting a ride back home, something I wouldn't ever consider turning down. I mean, what was the alternative? Sleeping on the floor of some stranger's house? Walking back to Ellie's, both of our drunken skills having to watch out for the other? Honestly, I don't see a good outcome in any other situation, unless skinned knees or awkward morning-afters is considered pleasant.

Although, I can't help but feel an overarching feeling of embarrassment in the matter. I can't say for certain, but I don't think getting a ride from a teacher at one in the morning while drunk is a common high school rite of passage. If it were, I have a feeling I'm the first one to make it.

"Thank god," I reply to his comment, staring at houses as they go by. "No offense, you're wonderful and all, but my bed and my cat are calling my name."

"You think I'm wonderful?" Mr. Hiddleston asks, and I can practically hear the smirk on his handsome face.

My shoulders shrug as I'm compelled by truth serum to be frank. "Well, duh. I wouldn't willingly offer to help just any teacher after school or feel comfortable enough to get a lift— twice." I lean my head on the headrest then look over at his face. He's not looking at me, wisely focusing on the road, but the small look of appreciation is there. "So, yeah, I'd say you're pretty rad."

Mr. Hiddleston laughs. "So, I'm wonderful and rad? What an honor."

I hum in response. "And you should be. I'll get those medals to you soon. Not many people earn both of them."

"Are you just hard to please?"

That's what-- No, definitely do not say that. I work my hardest to keep a laugh from exiting my frame, but it's so hard with a classic comment trying to come out. "Maybe," is all I come up with, sending the man a wide smile when he sends a matching one in my direction.

OBSESSIVE TEACHINGS » TOM HIDDLESTON AUWhere stories live. Discover now