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FROM UNDER MY FAVORITE PAIR of boots, leaves crunch and break into tiny pieces before blowing away, a testament to the changing of the season. Above, the once vibrant green and yellow shades of summer have transformed seemingly overnight into deep oranges and crimsons. The sun has begun to relent on its merciless heat, allowing autumn to settle over the small city.

Halloween is well on its way and I, for one, can't wait for the festivities to finally begin. Hence, Mom and I finding ourselves at the large convenience store. Each year, we go all out for the spooky holiday, adorning the front with lights and skeletal figures hanging out on the porch.

As we pass the pumpkins, I make a note to carve silly faces closer to the date. Last year, we bought some a little too early in the season, the faces caving in before the trick-or-treating even began. Well, at least it made for a creepy (and smelly) addition among the other decorations.

"So," my mother begins, pulling out a scrap of paper from her purse. I push the cart and walk next to her, eyeing the note while also heeding the right direction, avoiding the stands with decorative Halloween cakes and cookies. She rips her paper in half, handing me one with more writing. "I will take the food section if you want the rest."

"So I can walk around for the next year while you graze through, what, three aisles?" I retort.

She smiles smugly. "Oh, you know me so well." Mom picks up a small basket and ushers it in my direction, prompting me to take the bulky object while she obtains the shopping cart. "You can do this to your future kids. Just think of it that way."

"Glad I'm learning from the best." Mom chuckles in response. "But just so you know, I will pick out the most expensive skeletons and ornaments."

Mom sends a glare my way. "You better not, Carolynn Rae, or so help me God..."

I can't help the overwhelming urge to laugh. Biting down on my lip, I offer a shrug, telling my mother that she'll have to wait and see what happens. "Just sayin'. That one that lights up and screams would look pretty nice in comparison to the one in the shed."

Of course, I had no real intention on making my mom spend an unholy amount of cash on silly decorations, but to bug her with uncertainty is always something fun to relish in. She huffs, aware of my teasing. "If you know what's good for ya, you'll just stick with the little things. We'll head over to the Halloween store next weekend if you don't piss me off too much."

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