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y'all: *expecting an update since it's been a minute*

me, offering a random author's note instead like:

me, offering a random author's note instead like:

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hello whores. i have missed you

Yeah, this isn't an update, obviously by the title. My life has been a weird combination of chaotic and stagnant, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of emotions and lack thereof. But I'm not here to talk about my feelings (entirely). Mostly gonna explain some things and why I've been gone for a while.

As I mentioned at some point, I graduated from university, and while I couldn't be more proud of myself, I'm in a shitty spot. I left my job a couple months back in hopes that an internship would line up for me. Well, that kinda didn't work out. I've been in a disheartening spot of sending out job and intern applications, only to be denied. And this has really, really gotten me way down. I've lost a lot of motivation to do anything, including writing.

But in addition to that, another reason why I've been aware is because I was talking to a friend of mine about the grand topic of fanfiction. but afterwards, I was left a little... uncomfortable with this book, or at least who it's written about. Obsessive Teachings is about to take a darker turn, as I have hopefully led you all to believe, and it feels kind of weird using a real life person with their real life face and name being used as the creepy teacher. Now, I know I have dedicated a preface (and the disclaimer on the title page, too) to making sure we're all on the same page that this is a dark fic and that I'm not trying to paint Tom Hiddleston as a creep, but at the same time, it feels weird. I just feel like I'm personifying Tom, a real life person, as a creeper.

So! I figured I would reach out to my lovely readers for some opinions! I've already been considering unpublishing chapters 1-20 for some edits (not for long though lol, I just need to change some syntax and cut some things out that I don't like Lynn thinking), so if I go through with that, editing Tom's name would be part of that edit.

My initial thought is to change Tom to a dark alternate universe of Loki Laufeyson. Ya know, the one where he and all the MCU characters are actually Normal Joes™, but have jobs similar to what they have in the MCU. Not that an AU Tony Stark or Carol Danvers would show up for a PTA meeting, but using characters from the MCU as stand ins for other characters I plan on introducing. Or, if anything, just swapping out Tom for Loki. Something as basic as that. I also think Loki might be the character that would work the best, given his angsty villain attitude already. I don't think it would be hard to make him a darker, grittier character who still has Daddy Issues™. Oh look, something else he and Lynn could bond over.

Loki is a fan favorite so he's my first choice for this potential edit, but I'm also curious if there would be another character that Tom has played that I could make this a fanfic for.

That's where I've been lately. I'm still on Wattpad and Tumblr, but allowing myself to distance myself from toxicity and working on my personal self. I won't apologize for that, but I will apologize for going awol (again lol).

So, please let me know in the comments section what you think! I'm very much leaning towards changing Tom to Loki, especially since I've received messages before saying they image Tom as Loki already. But yeah no, this is me desperately asking for opinions! There is no right or wrong answer. I just want to make everyone happy, but also do so where I don't feel uncomfortable writing Obsessive Teachings.

Thank you all for reading my first super long author's note! I'll more than likely have this deleted once I feel like a decision has been made. And even more thanks and love to those who comment and help my dumbass out lol. I also have a discord if you're interested in talking to others and theorizing! The link is in my Wattpad bio (I think)!

Love you all!! Jersey xoxox

ps.: the loki show,,,,, hm yes,,, the show about loki,,,,, hmmmmmm nice

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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