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THE SUN WAS SETTING WHEN Mom finally came home from work. A few hours had passed by the time I was dropped off from the diner and in that time, I did my best to relax: putting on a comfort movie, working on a new short story, cuddling with Goblin. And while those helped, they only worked for an extent, a reminder of my English teacher somehow always nestling into my thoughts.

Goblin is good at sensing my rising levels of panic or anxiety. After all, that's what he has been trained to pick up on. Since I've come home, he's made sure not to let me go five feet without a traveling companion. His long and furry tail wraps around my legs, golden eyes staring up at me with slow blinks. The loud purrs vibrate against whatever he happens to be leaning on, which at the moment happened to be my chest.

I'm in the kitchen waiting patiently with Goblin sitting on my lap, kneading his paws into my thighs and purring loudly as I scratch the top of his head and near his tail. His chirps are calming against the grating sound of the garage door closing.

"If it isn't my two hairy kids welcoming me home," Mom jests, setting her purse down on the counter before sliding off her flats. As I send her a playful glare, she leans over to press a kiss to my forehead, brushing back some of my hair. For a moment, Goblin juts out his paw to catch the moving strands.

"You think you're so funny," I snark, rubbing my hand on the spot where a lipstick stain more than likely finds itself. I wait a moment before forcing words from my mouth, something I know she would more than likely be fine with as opposed to the truth. "Anyway, River is having a movie night. Do you mind if I go?"

Mom lifts a brow. "Are you feeling better?"

I nod. "Yeah. I think I just needed some alone time. This year's been kinda stressful," I explain. It's not a complete lie. Besides, what she doesn't know won't hurt.

"Sure," Mom decides after a careful moment of consideration, sending me a smile. "Do you know when you'll be back home?"

"Uh, I'm not sure," I answer, stroking Goblin's tail as it stands straight.

She heads over to the fridge poking her head inside in search for a drink. "If you think it'll be late, you can stay the night, but just let me know if you are."

My mind floods to scenarios where staying elsewhere for the night becomes a viable option. I do my best to shove down a blush, thankful for Mom being busy with her hunt to notice my flushed cheeks. "Okay," I reply, focusing on my fingers combing through Goblin's long black fur.

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