Dance the night away 🌃

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~It's new year's eve and there is a beach party on their otherwise sleepy island. Needless to say that Mio and Shun attend it alongside Eri and Suzu. Shun isn't very keen to go but surprisingly is the one having the most fun by drinking his ass off, leaving Mio to deal with a drunk lover making lame puns.

~Fluff and comedy

⚠️Warning⚠️: Excessive mention of alcohol and slight mention of drugs.

Dedicated to: My cutest other half

"Why do I have to wear all that?" Shun complains as he ties the lace of his left shoe.
As he gets no concrete response, he glances up only to be awestruck. Mio is standing there, with his bare chest, contemplating which shirt to wear as the hem of his pants reveals the black band of his underwear. He looks so hot.

"Oh fuck. You're so fine..." The elder admits and only then manages to catch the attention of the other who flushes a pretty pink upon realising what his boyfriend had absent-mindedly voiced out.
"You're damn fine too Shun..." The other male whispers shyly. He is quick to pull a white shirt through his head because he won't last long due to the way his lover is staring at him.

As soon as Mio is dressed, his wrist is grabbed and in the blink of an eye, he finds himself straddling his partner on the edge of the bed.
"W-what are you doing you son of a-" He stutters, "we don't have time for romance, we're gonna be late!"
"Can't you even spare me 10 seconds? I really want to taste your lips right now." The elder flirts.

And no matter how teasingly Mio whines and pulls his head away, he is dying to share this little and almost insignificant bonding moment with his other half. He'll always have time for a kiss or for cuddles. However, he is still perplexed for day by day, he keeps discovering new sides of Shun which were previously well hidden under a layer of laziness and what could be interpreted as toughness.

After the younger judges he has teased his boyfriend enough, he lets out the most adorable chuckle ever before slowly leaning in to close the bridge between them. Just when they are about to kiss, someone barges in the room, urging them to move away from each other out of embarrassment.
"Yo lovebirds! Suzu and I are literally dying in the cold while waiting for you two in the garden and you're here having sex?" Eri growls. There is a pinch of tease in her voice which none of them fails to decipher. That's precisely why they don't judge it important to point out they weren't having sex.

Following the female's words, the two boys grab their respective hoodies and are headed out where Suzu is effectively waiting for them in the garden. She's slightly shaking, with her arms wrapped around her petite body elegantly embraced by a light blue dress while her bottom lip is secured tightly between her teeth. She is joined by the other girl who flings an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close into a warm embrace.

Mio does the same with his boyfriend but surely expects the latter to move away out of slight embarrassment. And he does precisely this. The younger doesn't mind it because he is used to the insecure side of his lover who still needs to adapt to display of affection in public. Nonetheless, they are slowly getting there. Shun doesn't seem to mind holding Mio's hand when they are out nor does he mind a sneaky and flirty kiss here and there.

There's no need to take the car because the beach is legitimately at arm's length. From where they are; still on the road in front of their house; the loud music rings through their ears; so loud it has the younger girl shiver while the elder boy rolls his eyes dramatically.
"Why am I going again?" He queries.
"Because you love me." His lover replies, pressing his face intimately into the crook of his neck all the while smiling fondly and a tad bit dumbly.

"Cut the crap you two." Eri intervenes, "we all know Shun would never let Mio mingle among horny teenagers at a party without supervision."
A few chuckles are heard following her words and surprisingly enough, none of them dares to rebuke. She's spitting facts after all.

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