The morning after 😴

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~Where Mio and Shun have a romantic and lazy morning reminiscing the heated night they just spent with each other.

~Fluff and mention of sex

Darkness is enjoyable when it's nowhere close to the terrifying and lugubrious atmosphere that engulfs you and makes you take irrational decisions. It brings the serenity required to sleep and the calmness needed to indulge in unimportant tasks like reflecting on the peculiar flow of life and death.

Light might be viewed as a better option for the majority of us however. There's no monster which will emerge and devour every living flesh nor are there any demons to nurture and feed on our darkest of secrets. Nevertheless, light has its own disadvantages. An excess and continuous exposure to it will indubitably damage your photoreceptor cells and render you partially blind.

That's why we ought to seek a proper balance.

The dim light filtering in through the thin curtains of an otherwise dark and quiet room, creates the perfect atmosphere for lazy mornings. It's the perfect equilibrium as Shun's eyes flicker open and a loud yawn immediately escapes his lips. He stretches his back but ends up promptly regretting the said action. A stringent pain spreads from his bottom, all the way up to his vertebral column and causes him to let out a soft whine. Thankfully, it's not loud enough to wake up the sleeping figure next to him.

Mio sure went at it pretty roughly the previous night; no wonder Shun is presently in such a horrible condition. But he wouldn't trade it for anything else - their moments of intimacy mean so much to him.

With utter care, he tentatively shifts his body so as to lie on his side. He's now facing the most beautiful entity ever; mouth ajar as he lets out soft and charming sounds while he sleeps soundly. Mio is completely naked and looks absolutely ethereal with his lower half wrapped around stark white sheets. His hair is a complete mess on the pillow and some strands have even somehow made their way to his mouth. It's involuntary that Shun pries them away from his boyfriend's beautiful face, causing the latter to crunch his nose lightly.

It's a matter of seconds before Mio is opening his eyes only to meet those of his most loved being. It still surprises him, even to this date, how sparkling his lover's eyes appear. Surprisingly still, those chocolate brown eyes only seem to sparkle when looking solely at Mio.

"Good morning..." The elder whispers warmly with the most gorgeous smile on full display.
"Morning..." The other replies; sounding almost like a moan of some sort.

Mio gently ruffles his hair, an action which has the other boy's heart do a whole infinity-shaped flip. The younger pulls himself closer with the most care and attention he can - the sheets sliding down his gorgeous thighs on the way, to have his ass on full display - before he is gliding into his lover's arms.

It feels absolutely surreal while they caress each other, bare skin to bare skin and stinky mouth to stinky mouth. Their movements are dragged, as if time has slowed down only for the two of them. It's romantic and a bit cliché but none of them seems to care.

Shun entangles their feet under the bedsheets. He winces slightly due to the discomfort it causes him to change position, an expression very much observed by his boyfriend who knows exactly what's wrong.
"It hurts a lot mhm?" He queries as the other hums in response. "Told chu I wanted to bottom..."He adds playfully. He doesn't mind it though. Who tops or who bottoms are labels and rules of the society which they refuse to abide by. They don't pre-define it; it happens in the heat of the moment and it's simply magical.

The blond lets out yet another sound of protest but he's also being childish in his endeavors. He jumps on the occasion when Mio is laughing and letting his guards down to attack him with tickles.

They soon get lost in a tornado of laughter and pure happiness. It's only the two of them in their love cocoon - a bubble hard to transperce at this point.

The younger has fully shifted on top of his boyfriend as he entangles their fingers. Mio presses his face into Shun's neck before letting out a sigh of pure comfort. There's nowhere else he'd rather be. Shun covers them with the sheets because he'd rather nobody walks in to the sight of his boyfriend's gorgeous ass.

The younger presses butterfly kisses to his lover's neck; specifically on the love bites left on the previous night. It's soothing all together.

"I date you only for the sex you know..." Mio teases.
"Is the sex this good that you haven't left me yet?" The other boy ripostes with equal playfulness. His hands are dangerously venturing to the spot just above Mio's bottom.
"Well... The sex ain't that bad..."
They get engulfed into another moment of laughter which dies down comfortably.

"Summer is round the corner." Shun points out while he traces mindless patterns on the younger's back.
"Mhm yeah..." Mio moans before giggling sweetly. "We still have work though."
The blond nods and this time shifts his fingers to Mio's hair.
"Is there anything specific you want to do this summer?" The younger adds.

The elder ponders for a while. "I want to go on dates with you. In the mountains, on the beach, in the garden, anywhere you want. I also want to go shopping. I want to watch the sunset with you. Sneak out at night maybe. And how about you?"
Mio's answer comes immediately, as if he had been eagerly waiting for his turn to speak." I want to have sex. I want to taste every inch of your body, savour everything you've got to give me; every ones of your liquids. I want to do it everywhere. On the beach, on the floor, in the bathroom, in flower fields..."

In spite of being completely naked on a tatami, Shun still feels embarrassed by the very detailed plans of his lover and cannot help the pinkish blush coating his cheeks.

{A/N: This one shot was shorter as compared to all the ones I wrote so far because I feel a bit down recently and I've lacked the motivation to do anything. However, I'm slowly getting back on tracks and I wanted to update for you guys. I've read your comments on my previous shots and believe me, they've warmed my heart. Thank you💜}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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