Melody of my heart 🎶

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~High school au where Mio falls in love with the intriguing stranger playing the piano every afternoon after school without even seeing his face.

~Fluff and smut

Dedicated to: My precious Terence

It's 2P.M and the atmosphere has never been so heavy. It's always around this time - students fall asleep on their desks, others let their artistic side loose as they sketch the teacher in their notebook while yet others zone out by the window, craving the feel of the sun caressing their skin. This 30 minutes wait for the final bell to ring is always so painful to both teachers and their beloved students.

Mio is no different.

In spite of trying his level best to understand the concept being; in all honesty; terribly explained to him, his brain refuses to cooperate. Hail this person who deemed it rational enough to have mathematics as last class of the day.

However, while most of those pupils dozing off look forward to hanging out with their friends after school, at a nearby coffee shop or simply in the streets, Mio's plans are a tad bit different but he wouldn't trade them for anything else. He doesn't have much friends to hang out with anyways.

He's always been bad at socializing with his peers, causing his alienation on the long run. On the other hand, he enjoys the prized company of kids and animals, whom he feels more comfortable interacting with. That's precisely why after school hours, instead of illegally smoking on the road with others, he stays within the school premises to tutor this boy - Akashi - two classes lower than him.

He absolutely adores the feeling he gets while teaching Akashi. Almost parental and protective; coupled with the pride he experiences when the young male impairs that's he's done excellently for his test. He feels good in Akashi's presence because he feels helpful and true to himself.

While teaching this younger student does bring him immense pleasure, Mio does have another reason for his liking towards staying within the premises after school hours.

And when eventually the bell rings, the class and school overall get emptied in the blink of an eye and Mio ends up all alone. It doesn't matter to him anymore. He has learned throughout the years that he is his best companion.

The atmosphere is calm; so serene. He hears the hammering of his heart - this organ holding life and death simply by systolic and diastolic movements. The sun is filtering in, warm against his soft skin. He even hears the birds chirping and the voices of a few students laughing outside.

He packs his books slowly, taking his time to appreciate every little movement and stimulus around him. He relishes the quietness and it's a voice which happens to break the silence and startle him.

"Mio Senpai!"

The lad glances towards the door only to be met by a panting mop of pink hair.
"Oh Akashi! What's up?"

The said male bows excessively before he starts apologising.
"Mio Senpai. I am so sorry. I tried to look for you earlier but I don't really know your timetable. I forgot to tell you I have a dentist appointment today so I won't be able to stay for tutoring. I am so sorry, I should have told you earlier."

The elder responds with the most sincere and cordial smile he can - one which could have anyone on their knees.
"Don't worry about it kiddo." He replies sweetly. "I understand. We'll see each other tomorrow!"

Akashi stands there, apologising and thanking all together to create an awkward mess. The elder has to take the situation into his own hands.
"Go little one. You're gonna get late!"
He watches as the boy bows one last time before running at the speed of light. In a jiffy, he is already outside, in the yard, fixing his bag on his shoulders in a klutzy fashion. It has Mio smile fondly as he shakes his head from left to right.

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