Chapter 4

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Becky pov

Camila invited me in and as I observed her home I saw a family portrait.. Camila's family portrait with not only just a mother but with an actual sister and a father... They look so happy. Great now I feel like the bitch trying to ruin a family, but apparently my mom and Camila's dad did that all on their own. "Hey Becky what are you doing here?" I turned to see that the voice belonged to Dinah. "Uhh nothing I was just leaving just.." I sighed "bye" I turned back around to walk out the door but Camila was in the way "Camila-" she held her hand indicating me to stop talking. She took a moment to gather her thoughts to process the news "I can't believe you're my sister.." I heard a gasp "what the heck?! Since when?!" Dinah exclaimed "obviously since the day I was born, but I also found out today so I'm just as shocked as you girls" I said with a straight face and no emotion even though I wanted to cry because this is too much to handle in one day. "I'm sorry, can you please just forget I came by? and can you also forget this conversa-" I was cut off by the door opening and closing "Mila we're home" I started panicking as I heard the manly voice "the meeting got cancelled so we came back" oh God no he brought his wife too this is going to be bad because of Camila's big ass mouth.

"YOU SON OF A BIFDSA" Dinah quickly covered Camila's mouth. Camila's dad Alejandro came into the living room "what's going on in here?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Um nothing sir we were arguing and I was just leaving" I hope he bought that "Rebbeca?" He asked in disbelief. "Uh yeah but everyone calls me Becky G or just Becky" I see his eyes are getting glossy and he walked over slowly and gave me a hug.. well this took an unexpected turn "Becky I swear I wanted to come see you and be a father to you. I sent you birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, Valentine's day gifts, Easter baskets, money.. but then after your 7th birthday your mother put a restraining order on me" his apology didn't mean anything to me but his hug did I'm hugging my father I can stay hugging him forever.

Camila pov

Am I the only one that's confused?! I took Dinah's hand away from my mouth "hello uh yeah hi... Um what the hell is going on?" I asked. Both my dad and Becky pulled away and wiped their eyes "Camila, Becky is your older sister" older sister? I was actually getting tired of being the oldest. "Ok we kinda got past that part, does mom know you cheated on her?" I lowered my voice on the last part "I didn't cheat on her.. I was with Becky's mom at the time and then stuff happened so I broke it off and I found your mother" I obviously don't understand anything.. "sinu look who's here.. it's Rebbeca!" "Your daughter?" My mom walked in the room with a big smile on her face and then she gasped "you can see the resemblance between her and Kaki" ok excuse me we look nothing alike ZERO nada. "it's nice to meet you ma'am" Becky said "manners I like it but please just call me Sinu" my mom said while giving Becky a hug. I just went to my room because this is a lot to take in.


I woke up to the arm that's around my waist tighten up "baby I need cuddles" Lauren said you can almost hear her pout. "But you're.. sick" I said said with a acting disgusted. "I know.. which reminds me I have to go home" I turned around to face her "please don't go, I love it when you and Dinah spend the night" she smiled "we love spending the night too especially when there's no one here, speaking of why is Becky here?" She asked caressing my face. "She's still here?!" I huffed kind of loud "oh my God!!" Lauren looked at me like a lost puppy. "Apparently she's my half sister" her eyes widened "holy shit are you serious? That's so cool you have an older sister" I cringed when Lauren used the words older sister "she's only older by a day that shouldn't even count and in plus she's not actually my sister, sofi is my real sister and my only sister" Lauren kissed my cheek "just give her a chance make nice ok?" Lauren said with a sweet smile that I couldn't say no to "ok I mean how bad could having your rival as your sister be?" Boy aren't we in for a wild ride.

A/N: I would like to apologize for not updating but guess what I have good grades!!!! So that means I'm graduating!! I don't have to worry as much :) and it's OGT WEEK so I'm updating TOTSI next. Thanks for being patient with me and being understanding. Comment/favorite and I also apologize for making this chapter shit but hey look Camden ~Sandra

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