Chapter 5

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Camila pov

Two weeks have gone by and to say I was mad was an understatement.. I was absolutely pissed off! Make nice ok? I kept repeating my girlfriend's words to keep my sanity and not crack. That chica may have everyone else fooled even my own girlfriend's! well.. Dinah and Becky were always cool with each other since you know Dinah is cool with everyone being the star of the school and all. Lauren on the other hand she's a good judge of character but it seems to be off when it comes to Becky. I walked in the cafeteria to the table we would normally sit at but to my surprise no one was there.. I was never the first person at the table. I scanned the room for my girlfriends and my best friend Ally.. no luck. I sat down at the table and took out my phone and dialed both of my girlfriend's number but no one answered.. that's odd. I dialed ally's number "Mila?" Yes thank God she answered "Ally where are you guys?" I asked. "Woah chill Mila we're just eating outside today" the shorter girl said "and neither of you bothered to tell me!" I ran a hand through my hair and sighed "fine whatever I'll be out there in a sec" I walked towards the courtyard but someone very annoying was blocking my way. I cleared my throat so he would notice that he's in my way. Austin turned around "oh am I in your way Cagayo?" oh ha ha very funny "shut the fuck up Maherpes and get out of my way"

"Or what?" He said while crossing his arms "I may not look it but I can guarantee that I can kick your annoying ass" he smiled that God awful smile and laughed bitterly "I don't hit women.. or whatever it is you are" yup that's it! I lunged at him but ONCE AGAIN I feel someone pulling me back. "Camila stop" I turn around to see Becky holding me back "let me go or I'll kick your ass too" I said struggling to get out of her tight embrace but I failed. Becky took me out of the cafeteria and into a vacant hallway "Camila I'm trying to help you out" she said letting me go "why all of a sudden you wanna help me out?!" I yelled "we found out about us being sister's two weeks ago! Now you want to be nice to me and "protect me" from being suspended from kicking your boyfriend's.. who by the way is Mahopeless.. ass!" "Would you just shut up! I'm only being nice to you because I want whatever we had when we were younger up to now to end we're sisters" I can hear her voice crack. "and I don't really know much about being a sister since I was the only child but sisters and I was looking up sister quotes to live by on Google and out of all of the sister quotes, I liked this one the best "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." -Amy Li" as I looked down I realized that she was right, Becky put her hand on my shoulder "starting right now that's going to be my motto for you and Sofi. I never actually had a family, my mom was always working and I had nobody so I'm happy that I have not only a father that I always wanted but 2 sisters and a 2nd mom that I learned to love" and after that speech I did something I never thought I would be able to do.. I hugged Becky no I didn't hug just Becky I hugged Becky my sister.

A/N: hey guys this is just to fill you in but do you even like this story or TOTSI? because tbh I think they're both a bit shitty and that's why I didn't update. If I made mistakes I apologize ~Sandra

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