Chapter 7

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Trigger warning: some type of sexual content, and (SPOILER ALERT) Lauren's dad is homophobic in this fic

Becky POV

It's been 2 days since we had that movie night. It was actually really nice I got to hang out with my sister, her squad and my best friend Mani. I was walking out my house when I felt an arm lay across my shoulder "Hey babe" an irritatingly familiar voice said and that's how I knew it was Austin "you can cut the act no one's around to see me suffer" I said removing his arm from around me. "Come on babe don't act like that" he said going in for a kiss, I leaned back "what the fuck" he asked looking angry and confused "that wasn't apart of the deal Mahone, the deal was that I would FAKE date you if you don't rat my secret out" I said sitting down on the porch waiting for Mani to come get me. "Secrets actually" I hate that he was being an A class stalker because he know more than one of my secrets. He sat down next to me "So what's on the agenda today.. Babe" I cringed "if you must know Mani is coming to pick me up for our annual just us day" I said "so.. it's a date?" He asked. "As much as I would love to date her over you, no.. I said annual dumbass we've been doing this since we were 10." He didn't say anything he just stared at me "ooh you and Mani been friends for a long time haven't you?" I swear every time he talk he gets dumber but I decided to not argue with him "yup ever since we were 5, and we didn't become friends with Jasmine until we were 10"

"So why didn't you and Normani invite Jasmine?" He asked being way too nosey "again if you must know it's tradition to do it with your best friend of all time.. where is she?" I said getting impatient as if on cue Mani pulled up "gotta go dorito boy bye" I said and he gave me a hug then whispered in my ear "kiss me right now or I tell your secret" he can't be serious.. "No" I got up and walked to the car "ok let's see how your best friend Mani takes this" he walked to to the car "hey Mani.." She rolled her eyes "don't call me that" "oh I apologize let me tell you something about your best friend Rebbec-" so he could shut up I did the worst thing I could do in my womanhood.. I kissed mahone!!! Ew! Once I heard mani clear her throat I pulled away. "You were saying" Normani said while looking irritated, wow she's even gorgeous when she's mad! "Oh yes Rebbeca! um Rebbeca-" I cut the 17 year old boy off "if you call me Rebbeca again I'll personally destroy your life.." I flashed him a fake smile "got it.. Babe?" Yup he definitely looked scared my work here is done, "got it" I got in on the passenger side and Mani drove off.

Camila's POV

"Come on babe you can do this" my green eyed girlfriend told my brown eyed girlfriend. We were helping Dinah get off of academic probation, she doesn't have the grades to run track. We've been at it for a whole 2 and a half hours, "Fuck English literature it's not like I'm going to ever use it" Dinah said slamming her book shut. "Laur I think we're going about this wrong we need a different strategy" I informed. I love Dinah to death but when it comes to school work, homework and studying.. She gets a C average and she have a D- in English literature "you're right but how?" Lauren asked then her eyes widened and I swear I thought I saw a lit light bulb over her head. Lauren went inside her bathroom "Ok Hansen until the braniac get back I guess I'll take over" I turned to see that Dinah's jaw was dropped I followed her gaze and saw Lauren wearing nothing but a black lingerie set "woah" we both said, Lauren put her hands on her hips confidently "well I was saving this for a special occasion but I thought why not now?" The raven haired girl said. "I CALL FIRST TO FUCK LAUREN!" Dinah said pushing me out the way "hey no fair Hansen! She's my girlfriend too!" I said jumping on the tall Polynesian back. "Get off cabello I saw her first!" She yelled "over my dead body Hansen!!"

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