Chapter 6

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Becky pov

Today is Saturday and I'm going to see my other family. My mom doesn't know that I know about Alejandro yet. I don't think it's any of her business to be honest, she wouldn't care anyway... She never cares about me. One time she actually left me for 2 weeks without any type of babysitter when I was 10, what kind of sick person does that?! Oh wait.. my mother. As I was about to leave I hear that annoying iPhone ringtone, thank goodness I'm not around Camila right now because she'll imitate it and she's really good at it. I checked to see who was calling, it was Mani. "Hello" I answered my phone "oh hey stranger! Remember me? Your best friend! what's up? I haven't seen you in A MONTH!" I pulled the phone away from my ear once she started yelling and put it back when it was my turn to talk. "Mani chill I was catching up with family I would never abandon you on purpose" I could feel her smiling through the phone. "Yeah that's what I thought but you know I just couldn't help but think you were replacing me with Camila" I sighed "Camila maybe my sister but you're my best friend we've been sisters way longer than 2 months"

"ok thanks for the reassurance Rebbeca" I only ever allowed Normani to call me by my real name don't ask why because I wouldn't know how to explain it. "Hey what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm at the park with my little sister" oh yeah she's in the big brother big sister program. Two Normani's that should be interesting "why don't you and Jasmine come to Camila house with me?" there was a pause "Mani?" "yeah that'll be cool but I don't think Jasmine will be there" she said. " Oh.. ok that's cool if she can't make it maybe another day ok I'll see you later mani" I said before we hung up we said we love each other and I started walking to Camila's house.

Normani pov

When I was on the phone with Becky I've seen the worst kind of betrayal. "Really Jasmine? What the hell do you think you're doing with this sorry excuse of a human being!" I spat out and glared at them as they pulled away from their make out session "you know I've been called that multiple times and it still doesn't effect me" the person I despised smirked and I just wanted to punch him in the face wait scratch that I want to hit both of them Jasmine is also Becky's best friend! "watch it Mahone one phone call to Becky and your ass is grass! same for you Villegas! I just can't believe that Becky finally gave your thirsty fuckboy ass a chance and you fucking cheated on her with her best freaking friend and YOU!" I yelled pointing at Jasmine "ok that's enough-" I pointed my other finger at Austin cutting him off "sit your ass down I'm not finished" I said through clenched teeth and he hesitated to do so but he didn't "Sit. Your. Ass. Down.. Now" I said with more venom in my voice and he did as told, I turned my head back to Jasmine and she looks like she's about to cry. "No don't start that bullshit with me Villegas.. you shouldn't have betrayed your best friend your best friend since 5th grade! How does anyone do that?!" I yelled again I know I'm making a scene in the park but I don't care but I do need to tone done the cursing before the 8 year old girl picks up on it "please don't tell Becky please" is she serious? "Are you crazy woman? Of course I'm going to tell Becky because that's what friends do... Come on Izzy let's go" I grabbed her hand and what Jasmine said next made my heart drop "if you snitch then I'll tell Becky about I don't know.. one of her best friends being in love with her for the past 2 years.. now you see she only has two best friends me and oh wait who's the other one..? Oh yeah you"

"You wouldn't dare" I said going up to her clenching my fist "try me" we stood face to face glaring each other down. "It's either you tell her or I do and Mahone you better keep your mouth shut from what you just heard" and with that I left. It took me 25 minutes to drop Regina off and go to Camila's house. I knocked on the door and once the door opened I was immediately pulled into a hug only one person would ever hug me like this and that's Becky. "I missed you and your protective hugs" she mumbled in my neck, she always say that when we go a certain amount of time apart when she first said it I thought she liked me back but turns out she's strictly dickly. "I missed you too and my hugs are only protective because I would never let anything hurt you" and we stood there for a good minute "woah.. Becky.. woah" Camila said looking at us smirking "I guess we're more alike than I thought bow chika wow wow" she started wiggling her eyebrows. We pulled away and I see that Becky is blushing she then mumbled something that I couldn't catch and walked away. I closed the door behind me and sat next to Becky on the loveseat "you're just in time Normani because we're about to watch the notebook!" Camila said, something tells me she watched this more than enough times "babe we've watched that yesterday" Lauren whined. "Yeah come on camila give that movie a rest" Ally said "seriously walz how the fuck do you keep crying on the same part?" Dinah chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind watching it" I spoke up. "Yes! We have a believer! I approve beckles" camila winked at Becky "beckles?" I started laughing "shut up.. just play the damn movie" as we were watching the movie I put my arm on Becky's shoulder and she hugged me. "Wow I'm sixth wheeling af" Ally said looking back at us. I looked over to see camila laying on Dinah and Lauren's lap. "it's not our fault you didn't ask troy to come over" camila said, I was surprised when Ally stuck her middle finger out at her. "Come on Ally" I said making space for her "really I don't want to intrude" Ally said getting up and walking towards us.

"It's no big deal really let me just.." Becky then sat on my lap and put her head in the crook of my neck "there now there's enough room" Becky said closing her eyes, Ally sat next to me and I wrapped my arm around both girls "sleepy already Beck?" I chuckled. "Mmhmm" the Latina on my lap yawned "you're really comfy" and just like that she went to sleep. "So how long?" I heard a raspy voice say, I looked over at camila and she was smiling at me. "H.. how long what?" She playfully rolled her eyes "you can only play dumb for so long" she turned her head back to the 100in plasma screen tv and we resumed watching the movie that was almost over.

A/n: finally lmao I'm sorry for like the long wait and It's lauren's birthday! I can't wait for laurmani interaction!!! Oh and normecky haaaaa becmani shit this is just tragic lol well leave a comment and favorite. Sorry for any mistakes

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