Chapter 2

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Camila p.o.v

I was having a good morning the key word is was. I hate Rebbeca with a passion. I spent a whole week in detention because of her, "and you almost killed me" it was an accident I didn't know... wait. I turned around and saw rebbeca leaning on the locker next to mine, "You do know you talk to yourself right... Camilla?" The older Latina stated. I rolled my eyes "fuck off Rebbeca" I said closing my locker "ooh the goody goody is using bad words.. did your girlfriend Dinah teach you that? Or was it hot mama Lauren?" She winked and I was ready to lunge at her but I felt two hands on my sides pulling me back. "Woah there monkey calm down" I heard my younger girlfriend voice "I won't be calm until she's away from me" I mumbled trying to get out of Dinah's grasp. "Can you leave Becky so I can calm her down?" Dinah asked "fine I was just leaving. I don't want to be late to class" and she left. "Did you calm down monkey?" I rolled my eyes at the nickname "yes I'm calm, but can you stop calling me monkey?" She chuckled "no can do monkey" Dinah smirked.

"Come on I'll walk you to class" Dinah said taking my books out of my hand, "you're such a gentlewoman" I smiled at her which she happily returned. Hold on.. "Where's Lauren?" I asked "she's not feeling good today. I tried staying with her but she beat me with statistics and you know how persuasive she is" I laughed at that "yeah I know.. first it was just the two of us in a relationship" and at that we couldn't stop laughing. "Do you think she 'persuaded' her parents yet?" Dinah asked having a little hope in her eyes "when you say 'persuaded' don't you mean have she came out to them?" she nodded her head. I sighed "I don't know, her parents are like really religious like Ally's parents are less strict than Lauren's" we stopped in front of my classroom "well this is me" I said taking my books from the taller girl's hands. She grabbed my waist pulling me into her and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "You, me, and green eyes are having a movie night tonight so we can take care of her and still count it as a date" Dinah said smiling. "We can do it at my house since my parents went out of town and I can just send sofi next door to her friend house" "ooh the three of us in an empty house I'm getting laid tonight" she wiggled her eyebrows. I let my head fall back in laughter "shut up" I said. she leaned down and I was meeting her halfway by standing on my tippy toes, that's when we heard someone clear their throat. I looked back and saw it was my teacher Mr. Cowell, "Karla you're late" he said in a stern voice, I winced at my first name being said "I'm sorry sir it won't happen again" I walked inside a sat in my seat which was in the front of class. This is going to be a looooong day.

Becky G pov

I was in my Spanish class, I only take Spanish because it's easier than French. we were learning about family, "alright class we're going to be making a family tree" Ms. Lopez said. A family tree what the fuck?! I only know my mother's side of the family I don't even know my father! I mean I asked her but she always act like she didn't hear me and switch the subject. The last bell of the day rung, I put my books into my bookbag (A/n: or backpack whatever floats your boat) and went straight to my car. "Becky!!" I hear a voice.. an annoying voice... "Austin hey" Austin Mahone.. sigh he won't stop bothering me! Life was a lot easier when he went after Camila but Dinah made sure he wouldn't do it again. "Hey Austin" I said walking to my car not making eye contact, "so I was wondering.. again.. if you'd want-" I cut him off "no." "There's always tomorrow"

"and the answer is still no" I did a fake smile "just to save you the time" I see my friends Jasmine Villegas and Normani Kordei walking towards my car. Austin smirked "Hey Jasmine and Normani-" "no fuckboy" they said in unison which I think is creepy because they do it all the time. "Whatever" Austin scoffed and left "thank God.. did you get my text?" I asked the two older girls while getting in the driver's seat, "yes operation who's your daddy? Is on the go" Normani smiled excitedly getting into the passenger seat and Jasmine got in the backseat. "calm down mama" I chuckled "she watched a lot of spy movies yesterday" Jasmine said while playfully rolling her eyes.

~At Becky's house~

"Ok search for my birth certificate down here" I said walking upstairs. I saw Normani fold her arms with a straight face, I sighed "please" she smiled and started searching.

We've been searching for hours and we still couldn't find my birth certificate. "Damn it's not here" I said tearing up. "Don't cry Becky, we're going to find it and that's a promise" the blue haired girl said with so much determination. "Omg I found it!!" Jasmine shouted running in my mom's room "your birth certificate... Hold on" she bent down trying to catch her breath "damn girl.. why do you have so many stairs?!" "Never mind that! What does it say?!" I said tearing up again because I finally will know my father well at least his name. "No way.." Jasmine said in disbelief "what? Does it have a question mark?! Because that would be embarrassing" I said even though it was a real question I couldn't help but laugh. "What? No.. you're related to Cabello" I squinted my eyes "no there has to be a mistake" I took the paper from her hand as I examined the paper it in fact said 'Father: Alejandro Cabello' "I- I can't believe it" I said still not realizing I'm related to the girl I hate "you know what I can't believe? your mother fucked someone with the same name as her it's just a letter off" Normani said. "But what about Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift?" Jasmine asked "Let's be honest Jas that was awkward af" Normani replied "Guys! Can we stop talking about awkward relationships and focus on the fact that I'm related to cabello!" I need answers.

A/N: ok I'm sooooooo sorry for this being so late. I had writers block lol but I'm back with a long ass chapter. Who do you want to be paired?  Who do you want to see in here? feedback is always necessary. Favorite/comment and thank you for reading :) and I apologize for any mistakes that were made

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