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      I am 17 years old.  My name is Stacy and everyone loves me. That must sound vain eh? But it's simply the truth. "It has to be great to have everyone fangirl over you" In reality though, it's not. I wish I could just blend in. Unfortunately my grey eyes and midnight black hair make that somewhat impossible. My pale skin just adds to my odd appearance. I'm not ugly. Just "interesting" to quote the answer of my previous boyfriends when asked the question "Why are you attracted to me?"


       I have a lot of friends. But none of them are close. I'm personally fine with this it's just sometimes it gets lonely y'know? But I'm not here to complain. I'm here to entertain. My parents always ask me why I never invite any of my friends over. And I always answer "Because I don't know who to invite". Then I leave it at that.

       I'm also pretty popular with the guys.  I've had several boyfriends but I'm always the one to end it. I find it easier to end the relationship and feel guilty than have my heart broken and feel regret. It sounds cruel but that's just how it goes. I've never loved anyone in that way though. My boyfriends were always just accessories. Don't think I'm terrible. They knew that's all I thought of them. They thought of me in the same way so that makes it all good right?

        My parents are your average parents. My mother works in a cubicle and my father is a security guard at the mall. I am an only child. My folks never wanted too many children. Thanks to that we all make pretty good money. I mean I don't have a job, but I help sometimes around the neighborhood and that pays off.

        So yeah, that was basically an overview of my totally normal life. least as normal as a 17 year old girls life can get. Am I right?

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