Making things Right

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It's about a month into this whole "other me" thing. And I absolutely love it. In total I'd say I have about 23 other me's. I'm constantly getting thanked for things I don't even remember doing. I don't mind because hey, who doesn't love a little praise.

     Whenever I need another clone all I do is ask. I don't really see where they come from. And frankly I'm glad I don't. I'd imagine it would be really disturbing or weird.

     I'm walking into school now. Time for my daily dose of thanks. The first person I see is Clara Forness.


     "Hey Clara" I say

  "Thank you soo soo much about that whole dog walking business. You're a life saver"

     "No problem Clara, anytime" I reply

"It's so weird though, I always hear other people thanking you for things too. It's like you're everywhere! Do you even have a social life with all these people you're constantly helping?" She asks.

     "Haha, Yeah I do. It's all a matter of balance" I answer and shrug. She gives me a questioning look then shrugs and leaves. She's not the first one to wonder how I'm able to accomplish all these tasks. When I'm asked I just tell everyone the same thing I told Clara.

     So throughout the day everyone just thanks me. You know the norm. But when I'm walking home something erm..strange happens. As I'm walking home a crying Candy runs up to me.

"How could you?!" She shrieks.

     "W-What? Candy, are you ok?" I ask concerned.

"Oh shut up! You know exactly what you did. He was my boyfriend!" She glares at me then runs off crying.

   What was that? I glanced over into the bookstore window. My reflection shows that same sinister smile as a month before. Oh no. What's happening?... I start to walk quickly home.

     When I'm walking home I think to myself. The second me stated that all the clones know exactly what I want and what needs to be done because they are me.

     Seth is Candy's boyfriend. I don't even like Seth. I helped him once or twice but that doesn't mean anything. Calm down I tell myself. Let's think about all the possibilities. A. Candy has confused me with someone else. B. Seth was being a douche and decided to just throw my name into an argument they could have been having. C. People are spreading rumors. And D. One of the clones are up to no good.

     I hope the last one is not true. If it is then this can not be good. If they're all developing their own minds... It'll be like having 20 Stacys running around. Each with their own personality! Oh my god. No one would know who is the real me.

     I finally am home. I rip open the door and storm upstairs. I see seven clones going through my closest for things to wear.

"All right! I want to know why Candy came up to me crying that someone stole her boyfriend" I demand


Then finally one speaks up.

     "Isn't that what you would have wanted Stacy? I mean if you asked me Seth looked like he really likes you" she put emphasis on the "really".

"No! Don't interfere with my personal life! All you are made for helping me out. That's it!" I yell.

     "I was just trying to help you Stacy. Calm down jeez. It won't happen again. Promise" She says then walks downstairs. I hear her yell "Bye Dad! I'm off to go to the animal shelter"

This is getting out of hand I realize. I need to get rid of a few of these things. All of them are staring at me. I run out the room and locked myself in the bathroom.

     This is terrible I think to myself. How can I get myself out of this mess? I cry. I sit on the bathroom floor for about two hours until I cry myself to sleep.

     When I wake up I panic and worry that I'm late to school. Then I realize it's Saturday. I'm still so lost about what to do...I'll just run away..No! If I do no one will notice. Those monsters will just replace me! No one will even realize the real me is gone. Missing.

    I'll just get rid of them..but how? I mean I'm not sure if I can kill them. Wouldn't that be murder? Or would it be suicide since I'm killing myself? Ugh! I'm so confused.

     I stand up and take a shower. No one will notice if I am wearing the same clothes as yesterday. If they do then so what. I don't even bother to wash my hair.  I just need some refreshing water. The water starts to turn cold. I hate cold.

      I get out and quickly comb through my shoulder length hair. Then I pull on my jeans and shirt.  Time to make things right.

     I throw on my sneakers and run downstairs out into the morning humidity.


                                      Oh the nostalgia


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