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In a forest far away from any village there grew an egg, under the river and below the summit.

From that egg grew a dragon.

Unlike your typical egg, there were offerings around it like gold, fruit, and many other things man had that nature didn't.

The egg was one beautiful sight and life in the forest was more peaceful than your average city or town.

Many people who came for the egg were prevented by the forest from its long vines
mass. The forest let off  bright greens and yellows that filtered through its leaves.
Ever so slightly changing was its geography, to prevent evil from harming the egg.

Every map you had wouldn't help you find such a forest. Not just because the forest would move, but also because it was so seemingly desolate from human touch.

it was known to be sacred grounds not owned by any.

The egg was loved and protected.
it's shimmering yellow, and magenta, the faded blue spots seemingly untouched aside from the gifts it had around it.

The deity of the forest Gresia was the one who gave it love, gifts, and protection.

She was responsible for choosing who saw the egg and who didn't.
Even if she hadn't known who set the egg there, she knew it's value, and the need for it to be raised in the forest.

Although Greisa had a human appearance, she had minor details that would separate her from anyone else, and while she felt she had family in the forest with all the animals she knew none like her. 
Because of her differences, she felt motherly to the egg, which was the only thing different from the rest of the forest.

Every night she would read aloud to the egg, desperate for its hatching, hoping that it would soon.

As months passed Gresia started to loose faith that the egg would hatch.

After a year, part of her felt that the egg was a dud and would never hatch.
She didn't want to accept it and began to wallow her days away, trying to believe the egg would hatch.

Once spring came she felt lonely once more.

Leaving winters blanket on the egg, she began to focus on the eclipse.
Every animal hoping to make their wish on the day of the solar eclipse.

Gresia tried her best to make sure all the animals would be safe and that they would keep her company as she tried to ignore the egg.
As the time approached the egg would shake.
The forest was having earthquakes and Gresia became confused.
Where were these tremors coming from?

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