Moving forward

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Everybody looses things, yet why does it hurt so much? Why should it cause us so much pain? It happens enough, yet that pain lingers
From morning to night, from days to weeks, and sometimes from weeks to months.

A knock on my door wakes me and I get up.
I go to the the door and tell the person behind it
"Just a minute!"

I pull up some pants and answer the's my landlord, which I welcome.. she sits down at the table and asks reluctantly "you've got a week to pack your stuff, right?? "
« right... I dread leaving so much »
I smile weakly and reply kindly "yeah, unfortunately I do have to pack to leave.."

She pulls out a couple cookies from her purse and follows up with "its alright, I made these since I figured some sweets would help you feel a bit better before you move"
"Haha thank you Shirley" I reply, grabbing the sweets and putting them in the fridge.
After a few hours of talking she decides to leave.

I plop down on the bare bed and let out a long sigh, I don't want leave home, I don't want let 12 years of my life leave my view.
I don't want wake up to something foreign to me, I don't want hear or smell anything new, I refuse to let go of what I've loved for so long, yet I still willingly decided to go to Spain.

Family and friends, sit back here in Arizona.
Why go to Spain?
Why should I give everything up for a dream that might never be fruitful??
I should be bursting with happiness....shouldn't I?? Why do I feel so bad!? I mean a scholarship in a different country! That should be something to celebrate about shouldn't it??

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