If it was ww2

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The toiling days were long, many of my neighbors would still gossip about Japan and America at war, I knew they were keeping their eyes on me, as if fearful.. I'd continue to work, sweating often as I was given looks from customers. Recently though business has been quiet and I hear things about camps being set up. My wife has been restless and my child is confused, but I've been reassuring them as best as I can, even though I feel I'm just as worried as they are.
Today  I remember the information broadcasted, did I not hear it before? Japanese descended people were to report to the fairgrounds in 3 days, I thought it was 4 but I suppose I missed the last transmission about it. I remember the bits of things that happened that day. My boss suspended me from my job, he told me that even though I'm a good worker, business was low, and that anyone even resembling a Japanese man would be a cause for ridicule. He didn't want to deal with it, so  he kicked me out.
I bought a few suitcases for what almost seemed to be double the price,  and got on my way home
When I returned home, my wife was scrambling along to get rid of our stuff (though I'm sure nobody wanted it). She was mainly trying to console our child.
I kissed them on the forehead and brought out our old suitcases, opened the new ones, and set them out.  My wife who was also of japanese-american and my son who probably has more birth rights than me knew that we had to pack but didn't have any idea where to start so I grabbed my clothes, folded them as nicely and thinly as possible and That was our start.
I grabbed a photo of my family and my wife put a photo of hers in one suitcase.
My child wanted to bring his stuffed bear and his blanket, that was fine, probably would be good to console him that way. We packed our heirlooms and tried to fit utensils and plates, we grabbed our life savings and our toiletries. We grabbed our bed linings and my wife insisted on her jewelry, I figured she could sell it if it had no use. There was barely a full suitcase before the day was over and we had to cook. I figured that we should pack some seeds and my wife said some yarn for clothing in case. It was hot the next day and packing bags was hard, we were thirsty and we had to finish packing bags, this time small trinkets and valuable memoirs.

Once we packed we had to walk, nobody bothered to give us a ride, and we headed there, with one day left to settle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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