The past again

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Dull eyes glance up at the bright sky littered with stars.

His loneliness consuming him, his self-care lost.
His loved ones blurred to mere children, all of them begging him to stay, to continue to be there.

The sleek man opened the book, his pale fingers brushing through the softly textured pages, the cover solid and hard. He used his right hand to comb through his black and smooth hair.

He turned the pages like clockwork, there was no beginning nor was there an end, for he was smack in the middle of the book, that page of significance.
The page of which he turned to reminded him of many, and as the character of the book said, so was the same for the feelings of the man. He only read a part of the page aloud, the rest in silence.

The passage of which he read aloud left a sorrow tone, his voice rough, strained, and grainy.

"yearning for opportunities gives you a choice, even at the bottom you still are given a chance.

Love defies that law, for you are bonded in by love, it's not just your choice, but that of your partner, and because of that you are chained and unable to make rational decisions. Yet
strings the boy clipped had left him at the bottom, but alas he was free, as his broken strings gave him opportunity"

Memories flashed in his mind, and for the second time that day he began to cry, eyes welled with water.
1,2,3....drops fell and soon he was in an array of tears.
Each drop soaking the page of his book

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