How the Lords react to being thirsted over

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(this is gonna be a little meta/fourth wall break, if this has been done before I am sorry, i thought this would be poggers)

     It was Daniela's idea to get each of the Lords a phone. Cassandra thought it would be a horrible idea, but Bela encouraged it thinking it would be incessantly funny.

Dimitrescu: Let me say this first; the phone is too small. The girls had to get her the biggest model of touch screen (a tablet, alcina is a ipad kid now lmao), and it was phone size for her. Alcina has to squint in order to see it properly. Bela messaged her a link, which was a thread of people thirsting over Alcina. (The time it took for her mother to find where the messages were, and how to place her index finger onto the tiny blue link was unspeakably long.) When she finally clicked on the link, she was nearly horrified. All three girls came downstairs when Bela told the other two, and they hid behind a giant pillar. Alcina sat in her white, floral patterned love-seat, her phone in one hand and her tea cup half full of Sanguis Virginis.  Her brow was furrowed as she stared at the rectangular glowing object in her hand. "They want to what my what?? These people are dastardly! I bet they are all men too! I'd have half the mind not to hunt them all down and cut them from stomach to throat! Those vile-" She growled under her breath, until Cassandra popping out from behind the wall caught her eye. "Actually, Mother... a good portion of them are women..." Cassandra corrected in hopes of calming her mothers angry flames. Alcina seemed to relax a little in her seat, taking a sip of her wine and taking a deep breath. "Then those people have good taste, if they like me, just not those disgusting men and their foul words," Bela and Daniela followed behind Cassandra like a row of baby ducks, standing on either side of her. "That's not even the bad part... you should see Ethan and the fly swatter..." Bela snickered, covering her mouth to stifle her quiet giggles, and in response Cassandra gave her a hard elbow in the rib. "I know where you sleep!" Bela playfully whispered in as a warning to Cassandra. Alcina rose to her height fully in her seat, obviously not calm anymore. Her eyes were wide and wild when they stared down at the three girls.


Moreau: Sal has accounts on everything, when he got used to having a phone. He couldn't get Hulu or Netflix because you had to pay for it. (This resulted in a call to the girls, he thought his phone was broken when he had to pay for the subscription services) He just watches  conspiracy theories and free romantic movies Youtube. So, the three invite Moreau for a tea party at their castle, to show him how to use his phone. To their surprise, he already has accounts on nearly everything. He just needed to know how to use them more in depth. The girls crowded around him, showing him how to use Tumblr first. "See? This is fan-art... it is what fans make of you to show they appreciate or like you! Pretty cool huh?" Bela pointed to the screen once they got to the search his name. Hundreds of different things came up such as fan-art, fan-fictions, headcanons, 'x readers', and more. As Salvatore's eyes scanned the screen, he sighed happily. "There... are that many people out there that like me?" The girls patted him on the back when he began to cry reading all of the kind things that people had wrote to him. "I want to give them all a hug," He wailed, wiping his tears with both hands. The phone sat on the table, and the girls looked at each other. They felt bad, not wanting to get the phone to make Sal cry. Cassandra rolled her eyes at the other girls when she noticed they looked unsure. "It's alright, I am sure you will be able to," Cassandra rubbed his back soothingly. Moreau threw his arms around her, the thought overwhelming him and eventually starting to sob worse than before. (He appreciates the fan-made stuff, lets just say :])

Heisenberg: The girls would've thrown a tea party for Heisenberg, even willing to make their poor uncle-figure need to dress up but... Alcina hated the idea of Karl coming over to the castle. So she reluctantly allowed the girls over to his factory. Bela, Daniela and Cassandra sat on one side of the rusty table and Karl sat on the other with his booted-feet up. The girls went through his phone, downloading different popular apps they wouldn't think he'd use. They taught him how to use them, and left for their castle for the night. Later that night, the man stared at the glass screen while smoking a cigar. He opened the lock-screen, went onto Tumblr, and searched his name. Big mistake... He sat back into his chair, blowing curls of gray smoke into the air. He chuckled at a couple of comments that people had left under some goofy fan-art... and that's when he saw it. He had nearly dropped his cigar when he saw a thread of fan-art of him shirtless. "They made me so hot..." He looked down at his stomach, and back at the fan-art which displayed a 6-pack. "They are so generous for giving me a fucking 6-pack... damn I got to work on this," (say it with me, Karl. has. a. dad. bod. THANK YOU.) He scrolled, seeing a few more pieces of fan-art of him shirtless but them he saw numerous NSFW fan-fictions about himself. Karl gasped, putting his cigar down and clicking the 'read more,' option. Soon it was midnight. And he had read so... so many fan-fictions about himself... His eyes were red and he had eye-bags under them. "Jesus Christ these people are fucking freaks," (this is a compliment i promise)

Beneviento: Donna is very confused at first at the concept of a phone and is the Lord that takes the longest to get the hang of it, but when she sees people calling her portrait (yes portrait instead of picture she calls it) beautiful she is instantly like ":o". She is very flustered, but goes through every single fan-fic, headcanon, and piece of fan-art that is under her name. She enjoys every bit of it. Cassandra, Bela and Daniela were very surprised when Donna told them she went through every bit of fanart, because it was nearly impossible. But Donna ate it up, feeling quite flattered and joyous. Angie did too, and after Donna showed her the fan-art about her, she was a giggling mess! Donna never expected to be called such positive names, and almost didn't believe it at first. Angie and the three girls reassured Donna though, and she eventually came around to use her phone. She eventually became dependant on it.

published: 5-30-21

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