Dating Heisenberg Includes

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(feel free to drop your own dating karl headcanons!!)

- Always asking him to fix your stuff. (electronics mainly)

- He likes making flowers or other trinkets such as animals out of metal and giving them to you.

You tease him about it and he retorts with: "Fine I guess I am never doing anything nice for you again," (which of course is a lie)

- Modern life AU!!

Karl doesnt know of outside music/movies/all around media in general because Mother Miranda doesn't allow the residents of the Village knowledge or any contact with the outside world. (i think there was a journal entry somewhere in the farm next to the stronghold where he said he likes reading old newspapers about the outside world) So, I have an AU, (idk if this has been done yet im sorry if it has-) where the reader/his significant other introduces him to life. Like cartoons, rock music, spicy food, stuff like that. I would pay so much money to see his reaction to 90's/early 2000's cartoons like CatDog, Ed Edd N Eddy, or Cow and Chicken. He would be so confused.

K: "Why... is there.. why are they attached to eachother?"

You: "That's the purpose of the show, Karl,"

K: "But how do they... y'know... do it,"

- Dating him would include showing him new things such as this! Like movies, new music, new foods, etc.

- This man is so touchstarved oh my gods-

He won't admit it, but he LOVES being cuddled, hugged and over-all just touched.

- That being said,

He has to kiss you soooo many times during a 24 hour period. He'll find where you are, grab your face with both hands and press his lips to yours. He has to be touching you, whether it be playing with your fingers, hair, cuddling, etc. He will NEVER EVER admit it either.


(I feel myself becoming disinterested in RE8, so I might continue my Gorillaz book. If you are interested in them, I suggest you check them or my other books out. My Tumblr where I am more active is ghoul-lily. If you click on my page here, you can find important petitions, resources, and my other social's.)

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